What a fantastic day I've had so far!! The boat trip was absolutely amazing. First stop was monkey beach although there were no monkeys today :( they had gone on monkey holiday apparently. Then we went a bit further to some crystal clear water to go snorkelling. I decided to get in the sea with everyone else even though I don't like water, am a crap swimmer, don't like getting my face wet and hate being underwater! I enjoyed it though and some some great fish. Back on the boat to another area of sea to get out for a quick swim. Something bit me on the leg there! I'm not sure what it was, I think it was a shark. After our dip we went to Maya bay where the beach was filmed. By this point I had made several friends. 2 English boys, 1 Dane, 1 Canadian, 2 Israelis, and 2 Australians. Only the Australians were girls and was nice to have a bit of male company for a change. We became a gang for the rest of the day. Getting onto maya bay was like a challenge from the krypton factor!! First we had to swim, then climb over some sharp slippery rocks, then rope climb over some more rocks, then a 5 minute walk and we were there! One of the Israel boys disappeared and shortly came back with a can of coke for everyone bless him. Then our gang had a game of rugby on the beach which was a bit of a giggle.
Back on the boat again and we were all starving. I had some pringles, someone else had a packet of crisps, and the boat driver had some pineapple so between us we managed some sort of picnic!
A couple more stops to take some photos of cliffs and caves and fish etc and then back to phi phi. As soon as we got off the boat, 7 of us walked to a restaurant and had a nice meal together. 2 courses and drinks, and it came to £28 for all of us!!
All desperate for a shower by this point we've come back to our respective rooms to get ready so we can all meet up again at 22:00 ready for the beach party. Should be another good night!
- comments
Kelly.s how bad's the bite? ... sounds like you're having great fun!! £28 for all of you?! that's craazy! have fun at the party tonight :) xx
Linda Hope partaying went well xxx