I spent the morning being quite productive; researching the various activities we want to do in each country and booking our train from Brisbane to Cairns. Feeling restless, I woke Alice up at 2. We headed out for breakfast with the girls next door to us, but it took about 2 hours for all of our dishes to come! It didn't seem like they were cooking in a very logical way; Marianne and Linn both had pasta but their plates came out a long time between each other, whereas it would have made more sense to cook the pasta together. It also seemed like out of the 3 chefs, only one could cook at any one time. I know Panini's are meant to be squashed, but mine looked more like an overweight person had sat on it and wiggled on it.
When we eventually paid and left, the others headed to the beach, whilst Alice and I started the long trek up into Thong Sala as we wanted to go to the Saturday market. Chad passed us on his motorbike but we declined his offer of going on the back. The market wasn't as good as in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, but we did gorge on the food from the street stalls. We shared some sticky rice wrapped up in banana leaves, some which had beans in too, then I had some papaya salad, which had some strange crunchy bits in, then a coconut battered banana bite and a sesame covered ball with a sweet filling. We had seen Chad along the way, and he did come in some use by being able to identify some of the foods for us. The zoom on my camera isn't working because it got sand in it from the beach party, so I asked in a Kodak shop if they could repair it, but they said it wouldn't be possible (although I later googled it and it seems like unscrewing it and giving it a bit of a clean might work). We couldn't face walking back all the way so Chad persuaded us quite easily to give us a lift.
We chilled out and picked trainspotting from the extensive list of films Scott has on his TV.
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