I am not what you would call a "shopper" by any stretch of the imagination. To be more specific, I'm pretty sure shopping malls lie somewhere in the 4th ring of Hell. Should I be unlucky enough to end up there, I imagine my personal Hell would be to spend eternity in a fitting room at Banana Republic. "Who has legs this long and can actually wear these pants!!! NOOOOO!!!" Suffice it to say, I get around this problem by finding a few things I like and stocking up on those. My closet is filled with just enough to keep me from wearing the same thing to work every day - although everything is in pretty heavy rotation. Even given my fairly modest closet, downsizing to a couple packs of items that will see me through the next several months and various climates and activities (surfing, schooling, sea turtle volunteering, wine tasting) is definitely an adjustment.
I decided I should have a practice run to make sure that everything I think I need will, in fact, fit into the packs I plan to bring with me - which include a regular-sized backpack as well as a trekking-sized backpack. (A small daypack also attaches to that larger trekking pack.) So, let's see how the trial run worked out, shall we?
I laid out all the basics - a few pairs of pants, shirts, socks, shoes, toiletries, etc. I'll also be bringing my laptop (so I can keep you all posted!), camera, binocs, water bottle, and guidebooks. Here's a sampling of other items that made the packing list, as well as those that will be left behind:
In the bag:
• Bug spray - and lots of it.
• Neck pillow, sleep mask, and ear plugs - I've got several long flights and bus rides ahead. Bonus: ear plugs can also be used as nose plugs in case of emergency.
• Birds of Costa Rica laminated guide and checklist - lest you have any preconceived notion that I am not a dork.
In the dust:
• Make up - no glamour shots will be posted.
• Jewelry - one less thing to worry about being stolen.
• Anything uncomfortable - if I can't sleep on a bus in it, I'm not packing it.
Be forewarned that you'll see me wearing the same clothes in photos over the next 5 months. I promise I will actually be traveling and visiting the places you see - not just photoshopping the same picture of myself into different backgrounds.
I've posted some before and after photos of my trial run at packing. Everything made it in… although it was pretty tight. I have a feeling that between now and my departure on February 14, a few more items that are currently "in the bag" will end up "in the dust" so that I don't throw my back out before I even get on the plane. If there's anything you think I absolutely must take, let me know!
So there you have it. Several months, climates, and activities can, in fact, be shoved into a couple modest-sized packs. I have adjusted to downsizing!
- comments
Darrell Allen looking good Cara!
Teej I survived 4 months in china with one suitcase. You'll be just fine with what you've got - and it will be eye opening to see just how little stuff you need! Also, remember they have shops in many of the places you're going, so you can buy whatever you need. And if you cant buy it you probably dont need it! Sooo excited for you!!
Robin Kozub I agree with the last post. When I went backpacking in Europe, I wanted to be carrying as little as possible. When I got absolutely tired of my 2-3 outfits, I'd chuck one and by another.
Barb Wagner Ok, I get the consolidation and even no many pairs of shoes are you bringing...
Fizz Looks like you are well organized. You have your parents genes for packing as they can travel better than anyone I know with just one carry-on each!!! I just ignore seeing the same Oregon T-shirt over and over and assume they have washed it occasionally. Can't wait for your adventure to start!!!!
Steve Google "bundle packing" if for some reason you need to bring anything else. It's amazing how much you can fit in a small space if you pack that way.
john mcphee Such a great idea Cara! I'm so much looking forward to reading your tales of wonder and amazement ... inspirational idea.
Julie Concannon Cara...take some good cough drops...those are invaluable in any 3rd world country. My secret to life...21 pairs of underway...with at least 14 to throw away:-) and plastic bags to throw dirty and wet it does not contaminate your clean stuff. Good luck!
Donna & Byron Waring Good for you. Take your adventures when you can. Good luck and have fun.