I went to PDX last weekend and wished you were drinking beer in the sun with me -- but there will be plenty of time for that the next time I come down and you tell me all about these adventures in real life! Great photos!
Hi Cara! The pictures are great. 5 + 2 = 7 by the way..
Saw Andrew tonight at a timbers game. Was wonderful to hear his "hoy" but made me miss you! Then I read your blog and changed my mind and wished I was with you rather than you were here! Amazing stuff!
have a great trip. Namaste
Paul Spencer
Bon voyage!
John G.
Good Luck Cara. Dorcas & I will be following your adventure & wish you the best. Just remember when surfing, commit to the wave, paddle like hell & smile big when you make the drop. Lots of love to ya.
Oh man, I'd end up having so much more stuff. I just know it. Admirable!