Hurray I'm in Honduras! I can't tell you how happy I am to be here and away from Grot City! The journey was a bit fiddly cos I took the cheap, slow option that didn't involve getting up for a posh bus at 4am! But it did involve waiting around a lot and changing buses 4 times... the boarder crossing was a piece of cake though... friendly immigration officers? Who'd have thought!
The town of Copan is cute as a button and a welcome relief from Gautemala City... in addition to my brush with street crime yesterday a junky moved into my hotel and squirted blood up the bathroom wall and I witnessed a police officer snorting line after line of cocain up his bleeding nose from a bar table! Don't ask! And then this morning I got utterly mobbed by about 6 bus touts all fighting for my custom, pulling me from side to side, trying to take my bags off me and shouting in my ears! I managed to break away and went with the only guy that was talking at a normal level and not pushing me around... goodness I got a lot of craziness packed into one day! At least I got a real taste of Guatemala City I suppose!
Well I best be off. Gotta to go find the lovely Carmen.
Will post some pics of Honduras soon... xx
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