Hola desde Buenos Aires!
Well, I've arrived! I'm safe, I'm sound, I'm in one piece and I'm loving it so far! My host family are absolutely wonderful and I could not feel any more welcome. The city, from what I've seen of it so far, is at times beautiful, teasingly curious and rather edgy. My new-found American friend Dan, who is staying with the same host family, and I had a narrow escape yesterday evening, involving a narrow staircase from a busy avenue, a ridiculously low-lit bar-room and some sultry, if rather tired-looking, Argentine ladies. I'm quite glad that I couldn't understand what they were saying, and also that Dan's tug upon my right arm was stronger than the limpet-like grip being applied to my left hand. Fun and games. I blame an innocent naivety, coupled with some slight fatigue after a 32-hour round trip accompanied by far too little sleep and perhaps slightly more walking that afternoon than was necessary.
This morning I woke rather late, for me at least - still no sign of Dan - to the sounds and smells of a very busy metropolis engrossed in what I'm swiftly coming to understand is something of a national pastime: public demonstration. Apparently the prime minister of Argentina was speaking today - something of a rarity in itself - and on some hotly debated topic or other (the actual subject matter is inconsequential, the existence of division a pre-requisite). Hence the claxons, shouts and alarmingly loud bangs emitting from somewhere towards the Plaza de Mayo (roughly, the governmental centre) earlier today. Laura, my fantastic host-mum (more like a big sister really, was wholly unperturbed.
Tomorrow begin my classes, with an EXAM - there is simply no escape - at 11am. It is promised to be a painless, swift affair, organized to demonstrate my Spanish ability, or more appropriately, lack there-of and thus forms my 'grading', leading to my placement in a suitable class a la Universidad. I shall post my thoughts on this purgative process and the university at large sometime next week but, for now, I am aware of my using Laura's computer for a rather prolonged period and so, I shall love you and leave you all for the moment.
Besos y saludos,
David xxxxx
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