After a LONG bus journey we made it to the Peruvian border, which basically consists of a border town centred around a massive bridge, with the biggest, smelliest, hottest, craziest market ever!! People selling thigns from clothes, to food, to Dogs!! Am pretty glad we're on an organised tour tho as we could sit down and take it all in while the group leader ran around like a crazy person sorting everything out for us!! I'm so lazy!! managed to get our "transfer" to Mancora, altho i think he was lying coz he managed to fit in bout 16 people to a 10 seater bus, when it should've been just us!
Mancoa itself was SO HOT and beautiful! Our room opened out onto a deck with chairs, a hammock and right onto the beach... Amazing... Spent 2 and a half days just lying in the sun and eating lush food!!! Mark tried his hand at surfing, bodysurfing, bit of beach tennis and other things... Altho wasn't too happy when he got ill on the first night and is only just feeling better today (two days later!!)
Went to a private hotel and beach ystrdy where we had a pool and beach all to ourselves and had a gorgeous fish BBQ laid on for us... Seriosuly doesn't seem like rustic backpacking on this tour... So far we've had quite alot of luxury!!
Lara xxx
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