Weltreise 2012
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Buenos Aires, Arkansas

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La Paz, Bolivia

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Cuzco, Peru

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Aguas Calientes, Peru

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La Paz, Bolivia
Farid Oh, you made me laugh today! I first watned to be a mommy. Then I watned to be a journalist, psychologist, actress, lawyer, and President of the United States. So...I became a high school English teacher and then joined the Air Force. Now I stay home with my children. I'm not sure how this career path will help me become president. :)
re: photo from 19 February 2012Nabila it before --- and I'll say it again; I need to move to "Nebraskee" or wereevhr you are and sit on that deck with you with our dueling wine glasses and current read.1. Hate to travel -- love my nest.2. The thought of food in other countries makes me kind of ill -- hello zebra on a stick? No. No. No.[a girlfriend who went on safari told me about that one]BTW: Have you ever see that ridiculous man on the Travel Channel who eats whatever from street vendors anywhere? He eats food that still moves. *shudders*3. I have to be drugged to fly. Like drooling comatose.... and it makes no sense. I am not skeered -- I just only like transportation that allows for one to stop on the side of the road [anytime] if needed -- for whatever reasons -- vomiting, using the bathroom, needing a smoke[not that I do, but you know], or picking wildflowers. Childhood dream -- to be a backup singer. Now my dream -- is to be in front.:-)
re: photo from 18 February 2012Anil Let me start by saying nice post. Im not sure if it has been taekld about, but when using Chrome I can never get the entire site to load without refreshing many times. Could just be my computer. Thanks.
re: BoliviaKartik I went through the same sercah when I had my twins. Luckily I found a store that let us try out strollers for a day at a time. The BOB revolution stroller was the absolute best. Any stroller from BOB is amazing. Get a duo version, and buy the attachments which make it a whole travel system. Not only does it work great on all terrain, but it also has a few safety features you wont find anywhere else. There is a tether that attaches to the bottom frame rather than the handle bars that way if you fall, the stroller stops but does not tip back. There is also a hand break, and on some models, the front wheel can be maneuvered almost like a car wheel. The accessories really sold me. The parent's accessory panel goes on really quick, as does the cargo pocket which holds everything! The shocks on the stroller make for a smooth ride for the kids and the great construction and easy of movement makes for a great jog. I highly recommend it. I rate is 10 out of 10, even if it is a bit pricey. I used it for my other kids as well it lasts forever.
re: photo from 28 March 2012Nico After watching LWR, I hope that you were cauerfl in the states and canada, both Ewan Charley got hit, Ewan was hit bad but he did more damage to the car LOL.Great video's, love it!!!!!!!
re: Bolivia- last visited

- travel plan
- Switzerland
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nico After watching LWR, I hope that you were cauerfl in the states and canada, both Ewan Charley got hit, Ewan was hit bad but he did more damage to the car LOL.Great video's, love it!!!!!!!