it before --- and I'll say it again; I need to move to "Nebraskee" or wereevhr you are and sit on that deck with you with our dueling wine glasses and current read.1. Hate to travel -- love my nest.2. The thought of food in other countries makes me kind of ill -- hello zebra on a stick? No. No. No.[a girlfriend who went on safari told me about that one]BTW: Have you ever see that ridiculous man on the Travel Channel who eats whatever from street vendors anywhere? He eats food that still moves. *shudders*3. I have to be drugged to fly. Like drooling comatose.... and it makes no sense. I am not skeered -- I just only like transportation that allows for one to stop on the side of the road [anytime] if needed -- for whatever reasons -- vomiting, using the bathroom, needing a smoke[not that I do, but you know], or picking wildflowers. Childhood dream -- to be a backup singer. Now my dream -- is to be in front.:-)
Nabila it before --- and I'll say it again; I need to move to "Nebraskee" or wereevhr you are and sit on that deck with you with our dueling wine glasses and current read.1. Hate to travel -- love my nest.2. The thought of food in other countries makes me kind of ill -- hello zebra on a stick? No. No. No.[a girlfriend who went on safari told me about that one]BTW: Have you ever see that ridiculous man on the Travel Channel who eats whatever from street vendors anywhere? He eats food that still moves. *shudders*3. I have to be drugged to fly. Like drooling comatose.... and it makes no sense. I am not skeered -- I just only like transportation that allows for one to stop on the side of the road [anytime] if needed -- for whatever reasons -- vomiting, using the bathroom, needing a smoke[not that I do, but you know], or picking wildflowers. Childhood dream -- to be a backup singer. Now my dream -- is to be in front.:-)