We arrived in Phnom Phen and immediatly started to sweat our t*** off, it was boiling! We went with Claire and David to the lake area in the city which is full of backpackers. We struggled to find a room and almost every local we passed on the streets wanted to sell us Hash, Opium and Es, I just warned them of the dangers of drugs! Layne kept moaning that it was hot...i reminded him thats he's from Africa and should be used to the heat but apparently its a 'different type of heat in SA'... whatever! The first thing we did the next morning was fire an AK47, thanks to John McD who let me loose with a shot gun in Wales last year, I knew I was a better shot than Layne and so was an expert at killing the paper was fun and very loud. They had a menu of weapons you could fire including $20 for hand grenade, $30 for AK47 and $200 for a rocket launcher! We then headed to the fmous Killing Field which were very depressing and sad but interesting. After Vietnam threw out the Khmer Rouge they discovered the mass graves of hundreds of thousands of people, the site we visited had about 9000 bodies I think and the skulls were displayed in a big glass tower. This only happened from 1976-79, so within my lifetime, unbelievable. Pol Pot killed all the intellectuals, anyone who ever went to school, people who wore glasses or had soft hands cos this meant they were educated, he was crazy! We then visited a prision where thousands of people were locked away and tortured and then sent to the killing fields to be murdered, the prision used to be a school . If a man was imprisioned it included his family too, everyone was killede even babies. They were photographed before they were killed and now these photos line room upon room in the building, its very eerie knowing that these faces that stare out from the pictures were all murdered, i felt like crying it was so sad. We headed back to our hotel, dodging the drug dealers, tuk tuk drivers and beggers. There is a huge amount of poverty in Cambodia still but by contrast Phnom Phen is a fairly modern city.
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