Boarding Passes Printed and looks like we are off - I am sat here now completely in shock I think - just spoke to Ang and little Abbi in Oz they are so excited -I cant wait to just sit and chat like the good old days.
I knew the goodbye bit wasnt going to be easy but Meg has just gone to bed very quiet and put on her facebook - mum and sis have boarding passes - its final - am feeling very emotional about leaving her and Jeff, but just want to tell them we love them both more than any words can say and please please be ok whilst we are away - I know my good friends will all look after them - Sian has just gone in to try and say goodbye to Meg but she doesnt want to talk - Meg please promise you will talk when I am away - Nicki, Auntie karen and Auntie Jane -will always be at the end of the phone so make sure you tell them anything and ring me anytime darling. You are so special and precious and I just want you to do everything in life you want to do and thank you for supporting me, in letting me do this -you are grown up now and a beautiful young woman so be happy darling - love you always. James is a lovely young man and I am glad to see you having fun with him and watching your relationship grow is great.
Jeff you really are one in a million - and I know I will miss you lots -enjoy your date with Karen, 35 years if a long time together and dont worry -we will be back and then we will grow old together and look to the next chapter in our lives, and cant wait for our adventure together in September - and many more in years to come - you will get your dream of visitng China -I promise
To the rest of you reading this especially the work lot and everyone who has been on tender hooks for us all week - Ellie we are off -----Hoorah -thanks for the support over the last week - Dolores glad you are better love you lots too
Love you all - next blog we really will be in Singapore - not on the settee
Love T
God reading this back -I am a bit emotional arent I
- comments
Marie Hughes Trebles and Sian!!!! Whoop whoop on the way to see me how exciting! Your family will be safe without you, they have my gorgeous Mummy to look after them - did make me shed a tear reading that though - god you are emotional...!!!! Keep me posted on your adventures, I can fly to Melbourne if I have to no worries especially if at the end of May as have some leave accrued by then. My number in Oz is 0458 207810 so call me when you get to Ang's!!!!! Love you both and love to everyone at home!
Caroline BON VOYAGE - needed the tissues after your emotional blog !!! Have a fantastic time on your adventures x
Anji Have you left to arrive yet 'Our Tres'... Reading your blog, got me all emotional and you're not even here yet!!! I hope the T.V cameras aren't at Melbourne Airport filming.. We will cause chaos, of that I'm sure.. Hilarious.. To Jeff.. Thankyou, big hugs.. Meg, this is your time to shine darlin. Look after Dad, the time will just fly by. 3 more sleeps until 'Lady T' arrives. Have a safe journey, enjoy Singapore, have at least 1 sling for me.. See you both very soon..Anji xxxxxx
Karen Walker Well, well its finally happening!! The itch is about to be scratched!! Dave, the girls and I wish you a fantastic time and look forward to keeping up with your escapades. Can't wait to her about Singapore and the mother and daughter pamper sessions. Lots of love Karen xx
Sarah B At last - didn't think we would ever get rid of you!!! Have a wonderful time - you deserve it. x
karen Soppy Cow, get on the plane xxxxxx
Auntie Jane You are packed the plane is ready so Teresa and Sian I am coming to get you, Heathrow here we come. xxxx
Reenal Great! You are finally off-your last entry made me cry-it was so lovely!!!!havle lots of fun and dont think about us.
Eve Hooray! Off at last and your piles all sorted! - Amazing!! Have a fantastic time. Really looking forward to reading what you're up to - well, just the bits you can put in print that is!. Thinking of you.
megan hey u to have a wonderful time see u all tan in 7 weeks bit emotinal when readding your blog love u loads both of you xxxxxxxx