Good Morning Everyone - by the time any of you read this we may yes MAY be on our way to the airport to get the plane to Oz -look out John we are on our way !!!!!! We are experiencing our first Tropical Rain Storm with the most spectacular thundering and lightening going - Sian is hiding in a darkened room - Auntie jane -I totally blame you for this fear she has. I am loving the experience of it the rain is boiling hot - I have been sat out on the balcony trying to take picture and video it but it is very hard to capture just how it sounds and feels like.
Anyway either we had too many Singapore Slings last night or the time difference has sent our body clocks up the shoot, We had great fun this morning - got up at 7.30 after only getting to sleep at 5.30 for some reason we were wide awake we party'd until about 1'oclock at Raffles - mixing with the wealthy people, then came back to hotel and spoke to jeff Meg & Deli - on web cam and Yes' Poor Jeff' is fine.
Anyway back to this morning we thought we would have a bit of retail therapy in Raffles Shopping Centre - not that we could afford that much but we did buy Ang some spices from the supermarket just so she can cook us nice things -just hope they dont take it off us in customs. The shopping centre is just over the road from our hotel about 5 min walk - then the rain storms started - we were not that well equiped our coats were all back in the hotel - i cannot explain what it was like but there was definately no walking in it - had it of been last night on the way home maybe - but not this morning -so we jumped in a taxi and got him to bring us home it was just ;ike driving around the block - how bad is that but sian couldnt get her hair wet or her linen trousers could she !!!
We have now vacated our room and sat having a little bacardi before leaving for the airport hoping the storm will stop before we have to get in a taxi - Gloucester floods have got nothing on the amount of rain that is coming down here - perhaps I am to experience every sort of extreme weather on this trip starting with Volcano followed by Tropical Rain - as long as its the heat wave whne we get to Oz and I can lie by the sea thats fine -
Singapore is definatelty a fab place to visist it is so clean and the buildings are amazing recomend it to everyone - also this hotel extrmely good
We have had a grat time exploring -just a little message to my dolores -come on girl keep fighting I want you out of that hospital by the time I reach Oz - you can do it - I cant get there to you so you have too!!!!
Bye for now
See you in OZ - ang cant wait darling
Love T & S
- comments
Sam Glad you are all having a fab time( colin too) looks awesome xx
Heleb Wow amazing, take care Helen xx very jealous now!!
Irene Hi Lady T and Sian!! Sounding fabulous!! I am soooo envious! But hey - at least we have no rain!! Look forward to hearing about Oz. Look after yourselves. xx
Tamsin ahh cant believe we have finally got rid of you!! haha only joking! sooo jealous right now it unreal! i need to hear about EVERYTHING!! and sian you need to keep me updated on the talent over in Oz!! lol Cant wait to hear all the stories and adventures your be getting up to! have an amazing time! xxx