We're sitting on the bus on our way to Wuhan after three days without seeing a white man! We stayed in a 'hostel' in Chongqing that was on the 21st floor of a nice block of apartments run by what seemed to be 12 year olds! We arrived in the evening and got to our air-conditioned room by taxi (they paid £4) and from our window we could see the Yangtze join another river and all the lights of Chongqing's skyscrapers. The room cost us £1.50 each which meant they lost £1 on the deal! We paid them 700 Yuan (£55) for a bus to Wanzhou, a 3 day 'cruise' on a boat, entry to all the sights along the way including the MASSIVE 3 gorges dam and this bus we're on now! Considering we were worried that if we stepped outside the 'hostel' it would have gone by the time we got back this was a lot of money to trust in a 12 year old! It turns out the boat was luxury compared to the trains we go on and we've seen everything there is to see on the Yangtze! We even got a little Dragon Boat to a Creek which we climbed and also saw 2 very strange bits of Chinese amateur dramatics! Loads of photos to put up once we're in the hostel. The most shocking thing you'll notice is the'll think it was foggy and very cloudy but some of the time it was actually pretty clear but the smog always seems to win. The industry and freight transportation along the river (mainly coal and other resources) coupled with all the silt from the banks means the river is a hideous brown rather than the tranquil blue the pictures portray! We bought a bottle of Stolichnaya, a bottle of gin, 2 bottles of wine and a lot of oreos to see us through the two nights. Needless to say the oreos and wine have been destroyed, poor work on the vodka and gin means we've got a few cheap nights coming up still!The next few days are for recuperation, washing clothes, exploring Wuhan (a port town so lots of fish to eat hopefully!) and booking the 17 hour train journey to Guangzhou! From there we go straight to Macau, literally when we get off the train, have a look about for a day or so then get the night boat to enter HK in style!Feel free to leave messages on the board, would be good to hear from you guys. Hope all is well and every time you even think of having a moan about the UK think of me stuck on a train for a day with loads of animals!
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