Your trip sounds amazing and it reminds me of my time in South America! What an amazing part of the world, isn't it?! My blog has some reviews and photos of SA, if you're looking to reminisce! Thanks for sharing such detailed postings, I really enjoyed reading them!
Great travel blog with thoughful reflections on Thailand and surrounding countries.Our son and is girlfriend are in Sydney for the new year fireworks before greyhounding up to Cairns.They loved New Zealand and will work in Queensland to gain funds for the Thailand adventure.Wishing you a great 2009 and happy travelling.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have to apologise for the atrocious mistake in my no way did I mean to suggest Craig Charles has in any way the manners or ability to take on such a challenge as being the new James Bond and to Daniel Craig I am truly sorry!! It's the Chang that's doing it!
Hey luke! how you doing? sorry i havent used this thing yet!! so hows cambodia then? photos look awesome, didnt realise you messed up your whole body, thought it was just collar bone!!! haha. any decent stories then? when are you guys off to oz? Hope your good, speak soon!
i just want to apologise for the obscene amount of photos and the length of my Laos blog but that place is incredible! hope all's good back home guys, chat soon.
hahaha, if you havn't read the story and you just look at the pics, it looks like luke was mauled by a tiger.
OMG Lucus! saw the pic of you all bandaged up and acually screamed fancy getting yourself in that sort of state! I hope your making a good recovery and aren't in too much pain. Also add tigers to the list of things I want you to steal for me. Take care xxxxx
Man up!
Hey Luke!
I'm finding your blog really interesting! Sounds like you are having an awesome time, enjoy yourself lots, and I look foward to reading the next blog :)
Stubber says Hi!
Hello mate! Selsey and I were talking about you at work the other day, saying how we hadn't heard anything from you.. but it looks like that's our fault not yours! I had totally forgotten that you were planning on keeping this blog thing going while you were away. I've read it all now though, and seen the pics, so I'm up to date! Sounds amazing! It's not long now until I set off on my adventure as well, although it will be somewhat different to yours! I promise to not complain (too loudy) when I'm stuck on the plane for 9 hours, and think of you stuck on hard wooden train seats for twice as long! Carry on enjoying yourself, and you will probably next hear from me when I'm in Canada!
Gin!!!! Lucus I am disgusted with you, you go half way round the world and you still insist in drinking the vile stuff! Lol. Your trip sounds amazing I can't believe how much stuff you've seen already. Oh btw will you steal me a panda they are just so cute!!! Take care xxxxxx
Great Wall, Birds Nest, Giant Pandas, Dams, Biggest Buddha, spitting Chinese, Forbidden Kingdom, Marble boat & Dragon Boat, Terracotta Warriors, etd - it goes on & on & you have only been away a few days!! It must be just amazing. I'm also glad that you & Kinaal are over a foot taller than everyone else too!!! So into Hong Kong shortly - a short city break - wow! Eaten any snake yet? Take care both of you.