Kya Travels
This morning we got up at about 7 again, and met Leigh and Eddy in Connexions bar, which is where you got the tickets for the tender, which is the smaller boats that take you in to shore, because there isn't a port big enough for the ship in Lifou. We waited a while for Steph and Nava, and when they didn’t show up we went to look for them, but couldn’t find them anywhere! We found out at reception that they were still on the ship, then turned around and saw them! We all got on board one of the tenders and got taken in to Lifou. As we walked up the pier there were some local children doing some traditional singing, which was so cute! We went for a walk along a trail trying to get to a church, but when we were almost there we found out it was the wrong way! We kept walking anyway, and came to some low cliffs and a run down old house. There were some nice views there, and after a bit of exploration we headed back to port. It was a nice walk, with the big shady trees, and you could see through to the locals’ huts. We were all really hot by the time we got back, so instead of going to look for the proper trail to the church, we went for about a 5 minute walk in the opposite direction along the beach, and found a small section of sand where a few locals were swimming. We had a bit of a swim there which was so nice; the water was beautiful. We swam a little way along the coast, to the next little sandy spot, and checked that out, then swam back to the first spot. We stayed there for a little while, then when we were ready to leave Nava and Steph decided they were going to chill on the beach for a bit longer, so Leigh, Eddy and us went up to find the church. When we got back to the portside place, one of the locals, an older man came up for a chat. It was a bit hard to understand, because his English wasn’t very good, but he wanted to know our names and where we were from, and then asked for a photo with me and Eddy! It was pretty funny. He pointed us in the right direction to the church and we went for a walk up there, followed by one of the dogs that was wandering around the island. It was only about a 10 minute walk, and we went into the church for a bit of a look around. It seemed to me to be just like any old style church, but the cross they had was huge and carved with beautiful island carvings. We went up to the top section of the church, up some really steep steps, and looked up to where the bell was. There was a ladder up to the bell, but it was really, really flimsy so we didn’t try that. When we went out of the church, we were standing around deciding what to do next, when a local came up to us and said something like "You go to caves?" We didn’t even know there were caves there, so we payed him 500 franks each and another local led us down a forest trail, which wound down pretty steeply, and had ropes along the side to hold onto, so we didn’t fall. When we got to the bottom, we wound down a bit further into the cave, which was almost pitch black except for a small gap in the rocks up the top where a bit of light was coming through. Inside the cave there was a bit of a lake that the guide said was 15 metres deep! We got to jump in off the rock, which was a bit scary, because it was like jumping into nothing! It was weird. The water was pretty cool, but we were so hot that it was really nice and refreshing. We swam around for a while, and there was a rock up the back that you could sit on. The guide shone his torch around for us, and we could see into the bottom of the lake. It was so amazing, and the water was fresh and safe for drinking, so we had a few mouthfuls of that too. After a while swimming down there, we went back up the trail to the top. We thanked the locals that told us about it (Merci!) and asked what was along the road in the opposite direction than we’d come. He said there was a town about 30 minutes walk away. We decided to go check it out. Along the way there were a couple of local boys sitting by a fork in the road. We asked them which way to go, and after a while of working out what we were saying, they recognised 'shopping’, and sent us right. As we walked off, Eddy got wolf-whistled because she was still in her bathers! That was pretty funny. As we got closer to town, a couple of women were walking the opposite direction, and worked out where we were going and said ‘closed’. Being Sunday, obviously all the shops in town were closed, but we decided we wanted to have a look anyway. When we finally got there, there wasn’t really that much to look at, so we headed towards shore to see if there was somewhere to swim. There was a boat ramp type thing and a small space of water enclosed by rocks where we went in for a dip. It turned out to be a pretty quick swim, when I saw a sea snake slithering on the rocks right next to us! It was beautifully coloured, black with very vibrant silver stripes. We got out pretty quickly then, just because we didn’t know anything about it, whether it was poisonous or anything. Some other men from the cruise came along on bikes to have a look at the place where we were, and said there was a whole nest of them, because they’d seen lots of baby snakes! Eddy and Leigh sat down for a bit, and Darren and I went for a walk around the swimming hole to have a look out over the rocks. We saw lots of crabs around the rocks, and then one of Darren’s thongs fell into one of the other sections of water! I climbed down the rocks, and the tide had brought it in far enough for me to reach it. We headed back to the others, and started thinking about how we’d get back, because we didn’t want to walk all the way back. A ute came up which seemed to be a tour. The Aussie’s got out for a look around, and we asked the driver, who was a local if we could get a ride back. He said we could ride in the back of the ute, so we jumped in for the ride, and he took us back to the port. We got out, thanked the driver, and went and bought an ice cream each. Then we had a look around the markets for a while, and bought some souvenirs. We went down to the main beach and had a bit of a swim there for a while, then Eddy and Leigh headed back to the boat. I went and got my hair braided, while Darren got a massage. After that, the people who had given him the massage convinced him to get his braided too! I sat around while they did that, then when they finished we headed back to the pier and got on a tender back to the boat. When we got on board, we went and got showered and dressed. Eddy came to meet us in our room, and we uploaded some photos onto my computer. Then we went down to meet the others for the karaoke. We watched that for a while, and saw a group of 5-7 year old girls sing “I’m Too Sexy” which was a bit disturbing. Then we went over to the Marquee to watch the “Pirates of the Pacific” show, which was pretty good, they got the audience involved in little games right through it, and it was pretty entertaining. After that they had an “In The Bag” game in the Connexions bar, where you brought along a bag of stuff and the entertainment crew called out something, and if you had it in your bag you got points. We teamed up with an old couple who had brought a bag too, and we put the contents of our bag out on the ground and Leigh was our runner, so we could get up the quickest. We had a lot of the stuff they called out and some that we didn’t, Gina ran down to her cabin and got it. Every time we got a point, we yelled out “On Board!” It was really fun and we won in the end, and got a massive group photos with the old people that joined our group. All we won was a bag and a stubby holder though. After that they had an adults only trivia game, where the winners were the people who guessed what the majority of people had guessed got the points. We started trying to win, but then decided we would just guess the funniest answers, because they read out all the answers. After that was finished Darren and I were both pretty drunk. We went out to the Balcony bar, which looks down to the Atrium, and watched the end of a song by a duo playing “Hey Ya” down there. Then we went up to the Pizza place and got a half and half pizza, went up to the cabin to eat it then went to bed.
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