After our 5.30am wake up we went on our last walk, this time we saw more blue footed boobies nesting and a pair doing a courting display. There were loads of frigate birds which we had seen before but this time they had their red pouch Inflated (the blue feet and red pouch were fun to experiment with using the colour effects on my camera- photos to follow). As on all the islands there were plenty of sealions including some very cute pups and lots of lava lizards scuttling around. We were really excited for breakfast by this point, unfortunately for me it was egg but the rest was yummy anyway. After packing up we gave the crew tips and said our goodbyes.
We were back on Baltra Island by 9.30am and luckily most of the crowd were heading towards the airport so we had a quick journey over to Santa Cruz and didn't have to wait for the bus, ferry or taxi back to Puerto Ayora. After handing back our borrowed wetsuits to Joybe Tours we immediately booked a boat to Isabela Island for the afternoon ($30 one way). We haven't yet got accommodation but are hoping there will be space when we arrive. Hopefully we will see some wildlife we haven't yet seen such as flamingos as well as penguins which we haven't seen many of yet. We wanted to try and change our flights to have an extra day in Puerto Ayora as Kevin said we could do it for free with Tame however we asked and there would have been a charge of $160 per person so we decided not to. Nathan found an Internet cafe to sort out some Sandhurst admin (and we saw that Will and Kate have had their baby!) before going to our favourite pizza place for lunch. We all still feel like we are swaying slightly after 5 days on board!
We were all really tired by the time we were meant to leave for Isabela, and after a lot of waiting around it wasn't a very relaxing journey. It felt like we were on a roller coaster ride with our stomachs getting left behind. It was even more delightful when the two women opposite us started throwing up into small plastic bags that the guy downstairs was casually handing out along with tissues and bottled water- it seemed that this was normal. Luckily none of us felt sick and actually managed to sleep, waking up to find more people around with full plastic bags. Arrival onto the island was simple enough, although we did have to pay an additional fee of $5 which we weren't aware of, and we got a taxi to a hostel that was recommended in lonely planet. This was booked up as well as the next one we tried, but we managed to find two nice big rooms with ensuites at Janet's hostel by the beach. They look newly done up and we managed to get a discount off the full price.
We had a wander around the small town which was eerily quiet considering loads of the hostels were booked up, but it was more what we were expecting the towns on the islands to be like. It's a bit like a holiday resort (but less developed) with sandy pavements and restaurants with outdoor seating along the side of the road. We booked our activities for the next day with Andreas who met us earlier, wildlife and trails in the morning followed by snorkelling around Tortuga island in the afternoon. We're hoping to be swimming with penguins and maybe see some more sharks. After dinner we went to a bar on the seafront for some pineapple daqueries and caipirinhas. Nathan made it clear that he was ready for bed when he said "come on now guys, we don't wanna force it" as we were walking happily towards a different bar. Although we were in bed by 11, this was by far one of our latest nights in a while!
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