So I haven't posted in a few days so I'll try to recap. Classes are going well. Sean (there are all kinds of accents on that) is our English teacher. He is all about mythology and proved the existence of leprechans. If you put matching sock in the dryer one always goes missing and that is how we know they are real. I don't know how I feel about that. However, he also taught us the Irish philosophy of life. Either you're sick or you're well. If you're well you have nothing to worry about. If you're sick, either you'll get well or you die. If you'll get well, you have nothing to worry about. If you die, either you go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven then you ahve nothing to worry about. If you go to hell then you'll be busy partying with your friends to worry.
We also have began exploring Dublin. As a girl of Irish heritage I was expecting to be entralled at all the historical fun. Then I realized that every building is where the Irish stormed a British poiltical stronghold. Every statue is of a man who led the rebillion on the building. After that we went to Grafton street. It's the ritziest shopping district in Dublin, I started my souvineer shopping which was cool.We've also begun to explore the more cluby areas on the city centre. Last night was fun until the old school 90's pub got boring and our buzzes wore off and the evening collapased into drama. 9 girls and 4 boys will lead to drama I guess. Thankfully, everyone got home safe and sound. We did learn not to go back to Bobs becuase it is an after work hangout and the 20 year old professionals is not why we came to Dublin. Side bar- the Irish are the worst dancers. Its a cross robot, techno, rave, lack of rhythm that is truly baffling.
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