PART 2..........
Our last stop in Thailand had sadly arrived and it was just a stop off to catch the bus the next day- Krabbi town. Now to be honest I wouldnt even be writing about this place if it wasn't for the HILARIOUS 'incident' that happened.....All cosied up on bed and watching a nice film, Jemma comes out of the toilet yelling 'I don't know what to do! Help!' unbeknown to me I thought there was a cockroach or something but no... worse. Jemma had 'dropped the kids off at the pool' and to my shock it was rising and rising to the top of the bowl about to flood the bathroom floor (also our shower area!) it wasnt a pretty sight standing there with a bucket ready to catch her poo should it go 'over the edge' and it felt like an infinity I was there staring at it!!! haha! Thing was, I was busting to go too so we couldnt just leave it blocked... so first of all I grabbed a coat hanger from the cleaners trolley and we tried to scrape to no avail... the time had come to swallow her pride and make the dreaded call to reception. One guy came up to see what the problem was and when we told him he had one look and said with a little smirk- 'back in a minute'... he only came back with his bloody mate didn't he!! haha! it was like something about Mary when they all come in the toilet to see his nuts in the zipper!!! It was so unbelievably cringe worthy- especially when they were cracking up in the bathroom, using the plunger and making wretching noises!!! all Jem and I could do was sit on our beds pretending to read in shame! Classic. Jemma would like to point out that this incident occurred due tot he flushing of toilet roll down the toilet ( which isn't permitted in Thailand) not due to the size of her Number 2!!...
24 hour bus time.. woohoo! first few transit vans they put us on were okay- we had films to distract us, the next few were getting tedious and when they were chucking us from place to place we ended up not having a clue what was going on anymore and just went with the flow (or where they shoved us!) we felt like illegal immigrants to put it nicely. But we survived it, even the stop in Maylasia where NOBODY spoke English and we were starving hungry- oh how we dreamt about a big Mac meal. Seems all you think about on those long journeys are food and feeling a bit homesick.
After arriving finally in Singapore at 10am and not being able to check in until 2pm deprived of food and sleep we hopped on a bus and yep you guessed it.... headed straight for the Big M!! We can honestly say it was THE best MacDonalds we have ever had- it didnt touch the bloody sides!
Our Hotel was situated in the red Light district, the pavements were stacked with girls in mini skirts and umbrellas for the sun... it was very sleazy and very surreal. I know what your thinking and... Ok we did think about it for a second... but we're running out of money fast ok!!!!!
The next day was a nerve racking one for Katie as we were meeting Dan's parents in Orchard road (the main shopping street) but we had a great day and they brought us lunch and we visited Dans sister in her beautiful apartment- had a dip in the pool and played with gorgeous baby Raz. To be honest it was really comforting to be amongst a family for a day, and be looked after! relieved it went well, fed and happy we said our goodbyes and headed for the main street where all of a sudden Christmas had all come at once!!! The decorations at night were amazing, and the first we'd seen yet- it almost brought a tear to our eyes! We lapped it up for the stretch of our long stroll and then called it a night, finishing with 'Hairspray' in bed!!!
Another country down (yes we now realise it is its own country- haha shhh!!) and we made our way to the airport... the heavens opened, and in a big way! The roar of the thunder there was like something we've never heard. Its so hard to describe because it literally felt like it would pierce your eardrum- very scary. Worried our flight would not be taking off and expecting the airport to be jam packed because of the troubles in Bangkok we were delighted to find the complete opposite. We had a bit of a lengthy wait (4 hours) but we were unphased as everything went to plan and we were soon in the air headed for our next leg of the journey..... AUSTRALIA.
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