kristy's travels
well since i last wrote all plans have changed!..................which is often the case whilst travelling!!!!
it was too expensive to buy a car in melbourne so we decided to fly straight to perth!
we spent a couple of days there relaxing, looking around the city and job hunting! its a really nice city but pretty similar to any other cities in the world! the beaches were 40 mins away on the train!!!! (i still haven't seen a beach here yet!!)
anyway, i still didnt really feel like i was in australia so we decided to take a job as barmaids in the a mining town called mount magnet!!!! sounded a bit scary at first..........we had images of wolf creek in our minds!!! the money is good though..........about $350-$400 per week plus free food and bed , sooooooooo its a good way to save for the next leg of our tour! (if we can save it!) there is nothing to do here so it should be easy! (in fact i cant believe they actually have internet!)
well we left from perth this morning at 5am with the 'juke box man' who deals with all the pubs in the area. the agency who got us the job arranged this but i still felt better when i was offerd the chance to drive the car! ...........there will be no wolf creek with me in control!!! it was so good to drive was like those roads in the movies, the ones that go on in a straight line into the horizon! then we saw a sign saying 'you are entering the outback, please take care of our animals'! well, obviously no-one read this very well as the whole way there i think i saw about 100 dead kangaroos!!! (not a single live one!) well, it was great to drive again but it was my first time in an automatic with cruise control...........and its boring!!! i would much rather have been rattling along, crunching into 5th gear in my little old ford fiesta!
anyway, 5 hours later we arrived! we have amazing little cabin rooms to ourselves..........(in a fenced enclosure as there are quite alot of aboriginals here..........and they tend to steal things!)
the pub/hotel is great and full of real australians! it basically survives from all the gold miners who come into town after their 2 week shifts! the owners have a 19 yr old daughter too, she's really nice and just soooo happy to have some girls to hang out with!!!
our first shift is tonight but its just to learn the ropes a bit...............i've never worked in a bar so a bit nervous but it will be good for any future jobs!
will keep you all updated and will try my best to get some piccys on here too!!!!
thankyou for all your messages and im soooo sorry if you dont all get replies but its really hard...........(especially now)! i do appreciate them though and hope you are all well!
speak soon.........lots of love kristyxxxxxxxxxx
p.s.......its my birthday on the 7th July so send me some good messages!!!!.........dont think there will be much of a party out here!!!!
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