Bangkok. What can i say. So far smelly and dirty and i'm not very impressed.
The night train is an experience - it was late (suprise suprise) but you get a bunk. Top bunk as all the bottom ones had already been booked. It is about 2 foot wide if that and when the train tilts you feel like your going to fall out!
The train lights stay on all night and the aircon is set to freezing which wasn't pleasant. But definately a more comfortable way to travel than any of the trains in Australia.
We found our hostel after a minor detour and fortunately were able to check in early and have a much needed shower!
Yesterday we went off to Jim Thompson's house - very nice, and also all round Siam Sqaure and the posh shopping centres. Everything is either a genuine fake or a Gucci original and its hard to tell the difference in some respects.
We spent today trying to arrange India which we are both becoming increasingly worried about but have accomodation arranged at least.
We are off to the temples and grand palace tomorrow.
Am now so hot and sticky have to go and lie under the aircon!!!
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