Well here I am - me and my mum arrived in Cambodia on the 18th - we have only been her 24 hours and i have seen so much - the place is amazing (sorry Phillip i know you are on a mission to delete use of the word) but there is so much to see that words do not have any justice on it.
The colours - the smells - the rickshaws - yes you get thrown around - but its all part of the journey!
The silk making factory that we visited this am took us through the process of growing the silk to the weaving - through to producing the actual scalk or fabric - its very labour intensive - but beautiful.
In the afternoon we went to a stone and wood carving workshop - sadly couldnt fit this in my backpack - again very beautiful to see the work that goes into it - i will never discard the workmanship that occurs to make these things.
Tonight i have watched traditional Cambodian dancing - certainly beats the "dancing"that occurrs in the nightclubs back home!
Really tired today and off to the temples tomorrow so photos uploading soon xx
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