Its seemed like a life time ago - but i think its only been 4 days!
We have bus journied over to Battambang and spent a day and 2 night there - now back in Seim Reap.We have done so much - a whole day on a boat slowly cugging through the rivers - beautiful and tranquil but busy! The life that goes on is facinating - the peoples lives and homes - i could do the journey again and still see new images - i have pictures of floating schools and churches and even a mobile phone shop - and they have phone reception!!!!
I promise to get the pictures up - otherwise i will have to bore you all when i get back!!!
My latest favourie buildings at Ankhor Wats and Bayon especially! I will be coming back if any one fancies a trip out here! It id he most magical mystical and spiritual place that i can think of - i think i could just come and sit in the temple grounds all day.
I can now cook Khmer food - so i will be poisoning you all with this food as apposed to the rubbish cakes i make!!!!
So much to say - we rode a bamboo train - it had no side, no seats and only a motor engine fixed to the bamboo base - oh yes almost as scary as the parachute jump!!!
When i remeber it all i will add more!
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