Den siste dagen i Malawi og paa Chitimba beach gikk vi opp Mount Livingstonia, til landsbyen paa toppen. Det var en 8 timers tur, saa det var ukas trening! Og det kunne kjennes i flere dager etterpaa... Paa markedene er de veldig glad i aa bytte ting, heller det enn aa faa kontanter. Vi kjopte f.eks et carvet bord i ebony for ca 110 kr, Michaels 12 aar gamle joggesko, en singlet, peanott smor og 2 ol. Ganske fornoyd med den dealen!
Dagen etter begynte vi aa kjorte vi mot Dar es Salaam i Tanzania. Vi brukte 2 dager. Det er ikke en veldig pen by, men vi bor paa en camping plass litt utenfor ved stranden, saa det er bra :) Her var vi en natt for vi dro til Zanzibar. Og her har vi vaert 2 netter. Vi drar tilbake i morgen. Og det er utrolig utrolig vakkert her med laaange hvite strender, paradis! :) Forste dagen gikk vi rundt i Stone Town. Og kjopte bla 4 kg krydder! Og i gaar dro vi ned sor og svomte med delfiner. Det var vel ca 20 delfiner som vi saa svomme under oss naar vi snorklet. Etterpaa dro vi opp helt nord, der de fineste strendene er. Og vi har vaert her siden. Vi gikk en tur langs stranda i dag til vi kom til et utendors akvarium hvor de hadde sjo skilpadder som vi kunne svomme med, klappe, holde og mate. Og de svomte inn i oss fra alle kanter, saa ganske artig. Ellers har detvaert en avslappende dag paa stranden, hvor mesteparten av tiden ble tilbrakt i vannet, for det er HOT her!!!
In some ways I don't have as much to update since my last entry since I had brought everything up to date at that point... but all things considering, we've done quite a bit in the last week.
We spent our last days in Malawi at a place called Chitimba Beach, spent some more time on the beach, and did some hiking.... 8 hours actually, we made our way up Mt. Livingstonia... and then kept going.We went swimming in an ice cold waterfall (which was surprising considering the air temperature) and into a town at the top of the mountain.After getting back from the hike, we went to the neary markets to do a little bartering, and we got some really good deals.We picked up another painting for about 7$ and a nice ebony table for 20$, my 12 year old running shoes, 2 bottles of beer and a jar of peanut butter... good deal ;)
After that we left for Tanzania and spent a night in Dar Es Salaam before taking the ferry to Zanzibar.... gorgeous.Absolutely love it here.Stone Town (which is the old part of Zanzibar town) is very charming.We didn't do a lot of souvenir shopping as it was pretty expensive, but we picked up about 4 kg of spices :):) for cheap at the spice market.We did a trip to swim with the dolphins, and it was great, we got really close to about 20 or something of them.The first time we got in the water they swam right underneath us, the second time they were descending at a 45 degree angle about 10 feet in front of us... what amazing views.It did kind of feel like dolphin stalking though... the boat we were in basically chased after them and then when we got close our driver cut the engine and yelled for us to jump in the water as fast as we could.Today, we walked to an aquarium here on the north tip of the island and got to spend the morning playing and swimming with giant sea turtles.. $/fun value... better than walking with lions... though that was amazing too.
- comments
Donna I know you are far away from the winter olympics but team Canada (men) won the gold medal. It was a truly fantastic game. The women's hockey team also won the gold medal but that was more of a given.