Africa: You have to start at the bottom...
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Jinja, Uganda

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Arusha, Tanzania

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Jinja, Uganda

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Various, Malawi
Bestefar Einar Fint å få lesa! No fortalde Trond at de har reist til Canada. Skal Afrfika-turen dermed avsluttast?
re: Jinja, UgandaSolveig Et stort eventyr.Kjempespennende og litt for spennnende for ho på Skavli
re: Arusha, TanzaniaSolveig Tveit Her ser dere ut til å være veldig fornøyde.2 glade gutter
re: photo from 09 March 2010Donna I know you are far away from the winter olympics but team Canada (men) won the gold medal. It was a truly fantastic game. The women's hockey team also won the gold medal but that was more of a given.
re: Zanzibar, Tanzaniamamma Så flott bilde da.Men jeg må nå ærlig innrømme at jeg heller ville klappet turpusen vår .Denne store løva ser jo snill ut men veldig farlig.
re: photo from 23 February 2010kristine Det er en shrew... den falt ned fra et tre sammen med sine 2 brodre da vi lagde middag.. heldigvis ikke nedi kjelen! Den levde da vi dro ihvertfall...
re: photo from 09 February 2010Lily About those lion cubs, did you try to force them to nuzzle your neck - like you've forced Pan to do so on so many occassions? And this time forcing them with a stick, you say?? Hehe. Great blog Mickey...we're all jealous at work. Oh yeah, Canadian Men's Hockey team beat Norway 8-0. Anyways, continue having fun on your adventure!
re: Chitamba, MalawiDonna B Michael, Even though we don't post anything we are following you, so we need the English version :) Please
re: Livingstone, Zambia- last visited

- travel plan
- Oslo, Norway
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Botswana
- Zambia
- Malawi
- Tanzania
- Kenya
- Egypt
- Jordan
- Oslo, Norway
Pappa Trond Veldig fine bilder. Utrolig artig å se alt som dere har fått oppleve.
Bestefar Einar Fint å få lesa! No fortalde Trond at de har reist til Canada. Skal Afrfika-turen dermed avsluttast?