We MISS you so much :(( BUT thrilled to read your updated BLOG-it makes us feel like were living the adventures with you. No SNOW so you can finally wear your UGGS without getting them dirty. BTW it snowed ALL DAY again. So it sounds like the food experience is OK-glad you took my advice and put a fork from Shawn's apt in your purse hehe Love the pictures of the little kids-they are adorable. I talked to Justin and he said to say HELLO, he will be home for a visit this weekend. We will set up a time to SKYPE you-BEST THING EVER!!! Felt like you were sitting beside me talking LIVE last night!!! You looked GREATTTT! So no "BIG SWISS" and shopping this weekend-miss the times together. OK stay SAFE and do not venture out on those CRAZY SUBWAY lines alone love you
Mom & Lino xoxoxoxo
Hey Kris,
I'm just writing to confirm that you're young Korean friend WILL have to write the YELT if he would like to recieve an offer of admissions. I wish I could help him out but the Senior Language Specialist doesn't fool around ;)
hey kris!!!
I just ready your blog its awesome and im glad your having a good time!!! Seems your keeping busy. Talk soon love ya!!
Hello Krista
I'm glad you made it there safely. We all miss you and we're hoping you are having a good time. We got your email at the office and it automatically went too junk mail. I'm glad i checked the junk mail folder or i wouldn't of known you sent one.Well take care and have a good time
Love Ya
Horrah for Korea!!
Good to hear you made it to Korea in one piece!!
What is it like? lol
I can't wait to hear about all your wild adventures!!
Hope you are having an amazing time!!
you know how u have to solve a question to write on your wall what the hell is with that i hope they dont get any harder haha lmao haha. i miss you and thinking of you ha. you havnt updated since u got to korea what does that mean? did the koreans take u over haha ok byebye
Krista !!!!!
O my goodness i can't believe that u are actually gone,i miss you already I'm guessing u are already there, hope verything want well hope the fligth was good and u got there safe
I'm liking this blog thing it soo cool and a great idea I'll be waiting for your next blog to see what you been up to, keeps us posted.
Hope to come and see you soon tell me know when u have a week off so i can come down
talk to you soon
Oh lord, I miss you already. You are probably already there, I hope the flight was okay, and there were no screaming babies.
I've already saved up the money (cause im a ballerrrrrr!) so be prepared for my visit sometime after April, haha. And I will try to contribute to the 'Send Laura to Austraila' fund, so she can come too.
I hope everything is going well, let us know how you are doing!
<3 ashley
PS - Whoaaaa, your blog makes us do math? Too intense, haha.
hey kris!!!!!!!
I have already got 3 emails from your mom haha love her!!! I hear you go there safe and im glad. Hope ur having fun!!! Tell shawn i say hello and maybe someday we will meet lol. ok talk soon!!
i miss you my york friend, my last day of striking is lonely without you.
anywho i hope you had an amazing flight! you are probably getting into a taxi or making your way through all of those asians right NOW haha. i hope you had delicious food on the plane and did not get stuck next to a screaming child. most of all i reeeeally hope you had kimchi and i hope it tasted surprisingly good like soooo good *said with accent*. let's hope i can save up some dolla bills so i can come visit you and those hot aussies :)
talk to you soon and keep us posted!
ps- i like how we have to solve a sum before we're allowed to post...haha
Mom + Lino
Hi Kris
We miss you already, I hope your flight was great and you stayed away from those fish eyes at dinner. Call us soon, the house is really queit without you.
Love you and say hi to Shawn for us.
I made it home in one piece!!! I actually hated the airport more than anything. That was BAD.
Right now you're on a plane somewhere and i hope you're all good and have everything we packed 50 times.
I'm calling you on Saturday so be ready. Jeze, one look around that airport and I know what your stories are going to be like (Lino did a stand up job at doing impressions of them).
Right now I bet Lino is waiting for you on Skype. So hurry up! ha.
I like your blog so far... your glasses story is my fav only because I know the whole story lol.
I miss you already, I'm coming to visit you FOR SURE (remember, I'm making a booth and raising money)
I'll write you again soon, I hope the flight was A OKAY.