Im in Tokyo!!! ahhhhh its incredible! and im only about 8 hours away from Chris now. Just waiting for my connecting flight to Bangkok and am just in a state of amazement, everything is so well Japanese! The Simpsons portayal is pretty damn accurate i say, as always. Toilets that have all these things built in like a biday and shower thing that pops out of nowhere and also a fake flushing noise to keep on while you pee! Haha and coming over the land, ive never seen anywhere so green it feels like, its so lush and beautiful, theres grass everywhere i just want to roll in it, feels like i havnt seen fields of grass for years. Oh i wish i could have spent some time here, everythings so cool and all the Japanese kids are amazingly stylish and fashionable. Anyway off to Bangkok now! so untill then!
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