I think I'm finally getting a bit mroe used to the English weather... the waking up and its sunny outside but within an hour is cloudy again. Being the middle of summer here I have found it suprisingly cold (eg I bought a hoodie yesterday and Rose and I bought scarves...). Practically Antartica. Not just cold but it basically always rains whenever we go outside... 'lovely'.
With Eloise as our guide (meant that we were able to get on the right trains for once) we went into the city to visit the London Dungeons. I sort of imagined it to be scary but only if you were about 5 years old. Man was I wrong! It was seriously freaky - the people who worked there were all dressed up and spoke in creepy voices and I think because you could tell we were scared we got picked on the whole way.
For about 2 hours you wander through the grusome history of London so its fun but educational although quite often we were too busy watching out for the scary workers to listen to the info.
Rose and I managed to each avoid 20 pound fines for getting the wrong train ticket yesterday, luckily the guy we had to talk to was nice and could tell that we were just stupid tourists who cant work the transport system!
Feeling very posh we headed off to see Les Miserables at the Queen's theatre last night. I, despite saying I was used to the weather, decided not to take a sweater or raincoat. Rose had her tiny new umbrella from Poundland (2 dollar shop wannabe) and basically we were saturated and freezing when we got to the theatre. The show was awesome though, really amazing voices and I could actually follow the story line for once!
For a combination of reasons tonight I fly back to NZ. Just thought I would write that in case anyone sees me and thinks that I have a secret twin out there or something. Looking forward to getting back to NZ despite the fact that I did plan to have a full year of perfect weather...
That definately didn't happen - Harmatten season in Ghana, rainy season in East Africa, more Antartica plus super strong winds arriving in Amsterdam, a rainy cold Europe May/June and now this lovely English 'summer' soon to be followed by NZ winter... mmmm
Seeing as this is my last blog entry I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone out there (no doubt I'll leave out people so I'm sorry and thank you to) who made my time away definately one of the best experiences of my life:
- From the lady in Ghana who put a blanket over my shoulders on a cold tro tro ride to the nice people in the Netherlands who helped out a lost cyclist.
- To my awesome Kenyan roomate who made my stay there so much fun to the countless number of people who offered to help me with carrying my enormous bike box.
- To my Cologne hosts who gave me a home, a laugh and introduced me to quark to the other volunteers in Ghana who some of the nicest people I've met.
- To the lady who had little but bought be a meat kabab in Uganda to my Belgian host who took me to the best chocolate shop ever.
- To the guy who had cycled from London to Ghana who inspired my short lived but fun cycling trip to all the kids in Africa who brightened up even my most grumpiest days with a smile or laugh.
- To my wonderful hosts here in London who not only make the best food but don't laugh too much when get on a train towards France to my sister who flew all the way over from the US for a quick but great Amsterdam adventure.
- To all the friendly people on train/bus/tro tro/plane/ferry rides who kept me entertained on long, bumpy, painful rides.
- Last but not least all the people back home who wrote on mesage board/txted/emailed/sent black forest - it meant a lot on the homesick/chocolate craving days.
So, back to NZ, university, meeting up with friends and whanau, chicken sushi, winter and 6 months of black forest chocolate to catch up on... bring it on!
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