Good news everyone - I SURVIVED THE CANOPY WALKWAY! Now before anyone gets some silly ideas about it being a stable wooden walkway or something ridiculously safe like that, allow me to describe the lovely experience. It started with a pretty walk through the rainforest... uphill. So by the time we waited for the lady who was walking through the forest in high heels and her friend in an painfully tight mini skirt to reach the top I had had the luxury of checking out the view (height).
Now I may be a smidgen afraid of hights (OPC memories anyone?) but this was scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary! The walkways were made of ladders, as in the normal hollow metal type ones, with planks of wood on top. But don't worry - they had a safety net... it was very reassuring when there were areas where it had been tied back together and even one park where the guide just casually mentioned "oh, we lost the net here." And yes, it was gone... very relaxing. So poor Barbara had to wait for her very slow and not very smiley travel companion. But it did have quite nice views out over the rain forest which I could see about 20% of the time thanks to the bugs that were flying into my eyes.
So that was yesterday. Today I said goodbye to Barbara (the whole goodbye thing really isn't getting any easier...) and got a wobbly tro tro to Accra. I then had quite an eventful day - my tro tro broke down (smoke started pouring out from under the front seats), I then decided to walk to the Togo embassy which after getting lost twice (the map was wrong) it only took me about 2 and a half hours through the city.
But now I have my visa so tomorrow I'm off to Togo!
p.s if anyone was thinking about sending me some snail mail I no longer have an address. 'All' of the mail thats on its way there now will get to me but nothing else.
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