Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
Last night, we attended a formalish diner with all of the children, their teachers and members of the education department. It was held in about 8 suites in a posh hotel in Kelantan- couldn't understand how there were so may people there. There was a main hall for the "important" people to sit in, ie the duchess woman etc. There was entertainment provided on the stage- like cultural dances, Malay songs, Speeches etc. This was projected into each suite via tv screens.
It was officially the longest night of my GAP year. We arrived at 7 pm, didn't eat until 9.30, so just had to sit and make poilte converstaion although noone could speak English. Luckily we had some amusing boys sittin at our table and the only way we could communicate was for Liya to teach them some basic sign language so that we could use it as a mutual language. They tried some English as well.
Tis weird cause at first the boys come across as being really rude, cause when you walk past them, they aalways say things like "What name?" in a really cheeky voice. But we sussed out that they're prob just keen to test their English.
After a gruelling 4 hours, the ceremony finished with some of the deaf children performing a traditional dance on the stage. Looked pretty impressive from what I could see. The kids were absolutely knackered- was so stupid cause the blind children must have been at a loss as to what was happeneing and the deaf children weren't close enough to see the signing provided on the tv, so that was a fat lot of use all round.
Atlast we were back in the hotel for our final night.
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