So today was our big day of hiking. We started off at Emma Gorge where we swam under the waterfalls. It was amazing to swim and feel a little bit cleaner after 3 days of not washing, i didnt think it was possible for me to go without washin for so long by there u go guys i can b a total skank lol! It was prety cool sitting under the waterfalls, felt like u were gettin a shoulder masage, bliss! It was quite a big pool and it was weird cause there was some bits that were relatively warm compared to the rest of the pool which was quite chilly!
After some lunch we went to El Questro Gorge, which is apparently the highlight of our trip! It was a bit of a harder hike this one but defo worth it. There was one bit where we had to put our feet on one side of the wall and our back on the other and edge our way up which i must say was quite difficult! While we were walkin along we were jumpin between rocks and there was one that i only caught the edge of and fell into the stream and against the rock. I ended up with wet trainers and i kind of winded myself when i hit into the rock, i was even jokin with the girls that the only reason i didnt smash my face off the rock was because my boobs were there as a built in safety feature!! At the end of our hike thru the gorge there was a waterfall and a small pool. It was freezing and Sharpy ended up pulling 2 of us in cause we were gettin in to slow! It was freezin but not so bad once u were in! On the way back Sharpy was helpin us down a difficult bit and i bashed into the rock again and Sharpy was like well am glad to see ur boobs hav more purpose to them than just distractin men cause i would hav smashed ur face off the rock if it wasnt for them!! I was just pissin myself laughin!
We camped at the El Questro Station that nite and even managed to hav a shower and wash our hair, felt amazing to b properly clean again!! We even managed a sneaky wee drink at the bar before it closed. We sat round the camp fire chatting and listenin to music before another nite under the stars.
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