Ez and Kirst on Tour!
this next journal entry is all about us trying to survive 3 days on fraser island....felt touch and go for a while but obviously we made it!!
we booked this tour of fraser island (the largest sand island with no roads) not really realising what we'd booked, so we arrived and about 30 of us were split up into 3 groups and given a huge 4x4 van thing(which was so dodgy and old), some camping stuff and a map and left to it!! only 3 of our gorup could drive including me so i was first to drive....nearly toppled it in the first 3 minutes cos all the stuff is packed on top of it. was a bit crazy on the island cos theres nothing can only drive on the beach or these crazy sandy roads which was a bit nerve racking at first cos i've only driven the little clio!!
driving on the beach was okish cos the sand is quite hard but every 5 mins theres like a big river running to the sea so makes it a bit bumpy. the soft sandy roads are worse cos its like driving on dont really have much control and was even worse being in the back sseat with stuff flying around everywhere it was so bumpy!
it was all worth it though....the lakes were beautiful...the sand was amazingly whicte and the water the clearest i've ever seen. we weren't allowed in the sea cos of sharks but were allowed in the creeks and lakes. the first night was cool cos we pitched up camp with the other groups...had our little barbie and chilled with them all night...was a bit scary going to the toilet (because there werent any) and there are dingos about (which we had to watch a bloody video about before we left) theres a $3000 fine for "interacting" with a dingo....we only saw 2 the whole time! theres a funny action they tell you to do when you see one as you'll prob see us do when i can get my photos online!
the next day we chilled by the beach and had another this time everything was covered in, plates, van sleeping bag everything!! suppose it was to be expected on the largest ever sand island ay! we went up to indian head and saw dolphins and whales which was so cool.
we lost all the other groups that night but had a wicked night even though all our food was ruined and instead of lovely burgers in buns like the meat eaters had we had egg sarnies cos our burgeres got soaked with water and everyone ate all the buns :( we had a great time camping anyway our group was really good and we sat and watched the stars which were so bright. and finally found another group camping nearby.
when we finally got back and managed to have a shower yay! went our for a meal with our lovely group and had to go straight the night bus joy!
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