Ez and Kirst on Tour!
hello chaps!!!!
we are now in sydney! and its sooo cold (well about 10 degrees) but we're feelin it, so have to wear all our clothes at the one time!
the hostel we're staying at is really good, they have social stuff going on every night, a guy called gizmo (who's from usk and knows where wainfelin is haha!) rounds everyone up and gives out free wine (called goon and comes in 15 litre boxes mmm) and takes everyone out to different bars. its a good way to meet everyone but really canes our $$ situation and we keep ending up wasting our whole day in bed. so our first night we went out and mets loads of brits, so that has pretty much been the story for the last few days...its like starting uni all over again (a diet consisting of toast and pasta and the halls type atmosphere of the hostel and pressure to go out every night!)
we took a stroll down to the harbour and sawy the bridge and opera house which was really cool. we also went on a tour of the blue mountains which is meant to be really spectacular...but we couldnt see anything cos it was so foggy, and we got soaked cos of the rain!! we did see loads of kangaroos in the wild though which was amazing and did some walking through the bush and round some caves and waterfalls. one last thing we did that day was go on the officially steepest railway in the world! was ok apart from it lastedd for bout 1 minute.
went to bondi beach yesterday which was really nice, there were loads of crazy surfers in the sea even though it was damn cold, we had every jumper we own on at one time! i can imagine it would be really cool in the summer, too cold for us so we had to go get a cuppa!
so today we've really not done much cos we went out last night...again. we managed to go up the sky tower and see views of the whole city during sunset so that was really beautiful.
so we're off to byron bay tomorrow in search of warmer weather!! so gotta nice 12-14 hour bus journey ahead of us yay.
speak soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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