Well, week 2 in Antigua. On Saturday I climbed Volcano is active! If OSH in New Zealand saw these tours....they would not be liking them. The ride there was interesting....a van that was making some strange noises and I thought the road up the mountain may have been a one way with the blind corners the driver was overtaking on....but was a 2 way road! Got there okay and the hike up was pretty hard going, but well worth it. When we finally reached the top we were standing on some very hot rocks with flowing larva under them. I am suprised I dont have burn holes in my shoes. But the roasted marshmellows were good. We came down after dark, so it was pretty cool to see the red glow of larva flowing down the mountain in the dark. Trying to make out way down in the dark was a little challenging!
Spanish lessons are coming along and it is starting to make sense...I can actually say some whole sentances, although very basic ones! Each afternoon after classes we get to do´ this week has been a macadamia farm - even got a free mini facial with macadamia oil and today a coffee planation with some free coffee....which was needed!
This weekend just gone was a long weekend...independence weekend. So there were loads of festivities....the town was crazy with lots of bands and fireworks etc etc. It was great! Unfortunately I did not take my camera with into town, so no photos.
Last night I went to a little bar with really comfy chairs and drinks - food etc being served through the movie. What a great way to watch movies, although the blender and noises from the kitchen were a little distracting initially.
Starting to meet some more people through the school so that is good. Planning a weekend away next weekend with some of the other students.....
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