Having to say goodbye to Melbourne today! :(
I have loved every second of this place! So im very sad to be leaving, but there is just no work opportunities. Everyone is finding it hard!
Was lucky enough to get work for 4 days over the grand prix which was AMAZING! We had put our names down for it AGES ago and they only phoned us on the day to ask us to come and work. I, at the time had a jon standing in the laundry isle of shopping centres talking to people aboutwashing powder!!!!!!!! It was for 3 hours a day, 4 times a week and RUBBISH pay, so i jumped at the chance to do the Grand Prix! We went in on the Thusday at about 2 and stayed til 7pm. All i had to do was stand at the 'Clark Grandstand' and just double check peoples tickets as they came in! I was RIGHT by the track! On the Friday one of the Formula 1 cars came out to do a speed test thing and the noise was unbelievable! I was so excited about what 20 would sound like! Found out the next day when they had a practice session!!!!! Luckily they provide earplugs!!!! The noise was crazy!!!!! I always hated that noise of the racing, but it is SO exciting when your there! The atmosphere is unreal! On my break every day i would go over and sit in the Black Hawk that the army had on display! I have a major obsession with helicopters now and am thinking of changing my career path!!!!??!!?! Maybe ill be a sign language interpretor for the army and because ill be so amazing... they will let me fly the helicopter everyday?!!?!!?! It WILL happen!! :) On the last day we got to go see 'The Who' which was amazing also!
The next day was do or die with the job situation and when i went up chapel street (a busy shopping street near the house) and nowhere was looking for staff i didnt know what i was going to do. Then Catherine (Wells) called Sam and told ehr she was going to work on the Zuccini (Corgette) Farm where Sam had previously worked!! I knew it was my only option, as much as i didnt want to leave Melbourne!
Im looking at it as a blessing is diguise, as i was WAY to comfortable in Melbourne and i always said that i never wanted to get stuck somewhere and that i always wanted to be travelling aroud as much as possible. If this hadnt of happened i may never leave Melbourne!
Horrible horrible saying goodbye to the girls who i was living with. They have been so nice to me and are lovely lovely lovely lovely girls. I will miss them SO much! BUT this farm is only 3 hours away and apparently there are beautiful camping spots nearby so they have promised to come up for a trip on my day off some time.
On with the next adventure!....................................
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