So.... my time in TI is finally over!! Happy to not be working anymore, but i do miss it! Its been a massive part of my travelling and its weird to think that its all over. Most of the people who i met up there i will probably never see again because they are not travellers, where as other people who i have met along the way, i will probably see somewhere else in Australia. So it wasn't nice leaving. Plus the fact that this is the first time i have been on my own for a few days, the first time ive stayed in a hostel on my own, but i quite like it!! Because its all so intense up on TI,its so nice to just be a nobody walking around the town.
I stayed in the hostel last night and im just out and about doing some well deserved shopping! I met a girl called Shelly from Jamaca (who is BEAUTIFUL!!) at the hostel this morning and she was up for some shopping too,so ive got a friend today which is nice. My friend from TI is passing through tonight before he goes to Brisbane tomorrow so im going to stay as his tonight (free accomodation!!), then my bus down to Airlie Beach is at 7am tomorrow morning. Think i get in at about 5.30pm. Sam is volunteering on a boat for a few days so she wont be back in Airlie til Tuesday, so im a loner again until then,although im sure ill meet some people in the hostel!! Its so easy to meet people and make friends over here because there are alot of people travelling on their own and everyone is in the same boat. I dont think i would like to travel completely on my own tho...although i have met alot of people who have done it and say its better. Then on Christmas eve we go on a 3 day boat trip to the whitsunday islands and do snorkelling and bbqing etc.I hope its gonna be nice weather!! Then the plan is to get a bus down to Sydney on the 27th, possibly stopping in at Byron Bay for a night, then Sydney for NY and then im gonna have to find a job to afford my month in Thailand!!!! THEN!...... when i come back we might workas Carnies!!! Our friend did it last year and made LOADS of money, plus it would be SO funny to travel with a carnival!! We get out own little van and everything!!!!!!!! HA! BUT thats way in the future and plans change every day here so we will have to wait and see!
Lou lou- Dont you worry...i wouldnt bring shame on the mafia as you have done!! lol JOKE!! I dont have time for the men anyway!!! Im way to busy enjoying myself and being a free spirit!! Christmas is gonna be WEIRD!! Although over here,it so not Christmassy so i will prob not even notice. You're still going skiing in Jan?!?!?!!? Thats great news about the house.It will be snapped up in no time!! I hope its all going well and you have offers coming out your ears! Give the Toon a big ALREET from me! I miss it SOOOOO much!!!!
The Wallaces- So nice to hear from you and hear that all is well. I was talking to mum and ruth on Skype last week and she showed me the card!! He is SO cute!! He's gonna love Christmas so much this year! Get saving!!!!!!!!! I need visitors!!! Its so beautiful out here, theres almost too much to do and see! A very very very merry Christmas to you all. Hope its a good one and that you have a good NY aswell. Keep in touch! xx
If i dont get speaking to anyone before Christmas,have a BRILLIANT day!! And behave!! Love you all lots! Keep the messages coming.
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