Hello again! I am now in the Cameron Highlands!!! Its a load cooler here as we are at about 1,400ft above sea level (it think!?!) Sorry if this blog is peppered with mistakes but I would put money on this computer being older than I am so its a bit past its prime.
Yesterday in Kuala Lumpur was absolutely boiling. In the morning we had a half day city tour starting at 9am and was due to be in a minivan but apparently it broke down so we were taken in 2 cars instead with 2 reall nice guides. We first went to the kings palace of which you cant see very much apart from the gates. There are 4 guards outside though, much like buckingham palace, who are not allowed to move. 2 were on horseback and another 2 were stood in little boxes. They must have been absolutely boiling and bored senseless! We all took a few photos and Matt got bitten by the horse. After the palace we headed to a war memorial which was really nice. There was a load of fountains and a dome with all of the air force squadrons that had helped Malaysia gain independence. There was also a really cool statue much like that American one where the soldiers are trying to plant the flag... We also saw a mosque which was alright but we had to dress in these long flowing pink robes which felt very odd but got some good pictures! After the mosque we headed to independance square which is where all the old british council buildings were and there also used to be a cricket pitch. The original building is still there and is basically a massive pavillion! Its really odd to see such a british style building in the middle of KL! There was also a masssssive flag pole which is like the tallest in asia or something like that, i wasnt really listning... The observation tower was next which is one of KLs main tourist attractions and is the 8th highest observation tower in the world. The view from the top was really good and we managed to map out all the places we had been so far. Up next was a 'chocolate kingdom' which was a bit odd because some bloke showed us a coco seed and explained to use the method of aking chcolate in about 5 seconds flat in broken english and then ushered us into the shop! We did get free tasters of loadsa stuff though like chili chocolate (quite hot!) and jazz like that. Our last stop was the batu caves which has a huuuuuuuuuge golden statue outside it. its not quite a buddah but its close... got some good pics :) the other thing about KL that i may not yet have mentioned is all the monkey roaming around! We found some outside the caves doing something i cant explain until you are older. cheeky monkey! the caves themselves were set quite high up and there were 267 steps (i think) up to the entrance. Up at the top i was persuaded to part with 10 RNG (2 quid) to have a huge yellow snake around my neck which was cool! Also saw some random stray cats and chickens in the caves which as i said was very random. Anyways that was our morning tour, now onnto the afteroon, could be along entry this one :)
After grabbing a quick starbucks he others went to find a massage and i ventured off on my lonesome to find the orchid gardens. I was expecting something similar to the ones in singapore but unfortunately this was one really long ring road with all the gardens etc fenced off so i decided to go to the world largest walk-in bird park instead. It was really good fun, loads of different birds just walking around and the way they did it was really nice. I got some funny pics of a big man kissing a love bird and got to feed a parrot! They are such nice birds! Im going to skip the evening part as not a lot happened apart from everyone getting hungry and grumpy and ending up eating pizza again :) i was happy.
So this moning we walked to the bus station at about 8:30am and caught the bus towards the cameron highlands. some guy fell down the stairs and cut his head open pretty bad. He was also unconscious for a bit and whilst in UK this would be definately ambulance time they kinda dragged him back up the steps and took off his tshirt to stem the bleeding. After about 20 secs he just got up again and carried on! Was crazy, i think he was really concussed poor guy! Anyways the bus journey was a real experience in itself! Its only about 80km but took us over 4 hours as the roads for the last 3 hours are really windy (like bent, not like gales) and the driver was taking all the corners at about 50mph on the wrong side of the road! massive long drops into certain death awaited us off the side of the road so was kinda worrying. We did make it though!
The place we are staying is a lot more basic than any of the others, no tv or anything and the shower is just a shower on the wall of the bathroom so you can piss, shower and brush teeth at same time! Legend ey. Its quite a nice place but a lot more remote than the other places so food is a bit more of an issue. At lunch we had our first cockroach experience! Luckily it wasnt in my food or i wouldnt be touching anything else for weeks but was still pretty skank. I can just imaine your face as you are readong this mum. Priceless. Anyways thats about as far as we have got so far, having a chinese for dinner and then doing some other activities tomorrow before heading to Penang on Saturday. Will write again from there :) byeee xxx
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