Well it had to happen but I thought it'd be Brazil not Peru where I'd get robbed!
I was sitting in an internet cafe and had my coat on the back of the chair when some little s*** nicked it! After convincing helen that I wasn't winding her up, we went in search of a nearby policemen to report it. Amazingly helen suddenly became fluent in Spanish & we found our way (the quickiest we've ever found anything!) to the tourist police station. Who we're as bad as the'gastapo'! I walked in and explained what had happened and they pretty much said that Ãt made no sense'and that I was lying. I lost my temper after explaining it several times but reluctantly they took my details & told me to go to the national bank monday morning with a slip of paper they'd given me & pay some money to get the crime report so I can claim on my insurance.
After that ordeal, we still had to make our way through the ever growing throngs of people here for the Inti Raymi festival, so helen decided the best course of action to stop anyone else trying to nick our stuff was to shove it all down her bra. Amazingly she got both our cameras, her mobile phone, her passport, ten of our credit cards and some cash in it! Whereas, I only managed to hide my cash - that kinda says it all dosn't it!!!!
Had another relaxing day watching festival stuff from several bars and pubs surrounding the main square. We did attempt to climb the hill called 'sexy woman'where the final parts of the festival were going to be re-enacted out, but after a few steps we turned back, found a pub, and watched it all on tv (a much better plan I think!). We're still recovering from macchu picchu lol!
My next entry should (fingers crossed) be from our third country, Bolivia. I have no real idea what to expect from this one, as its going to be massively poorer than any that we've already been to, but everyone back in England said it was by far the best scenery / people wise. Only time will tell I guess.
Lots of love to mum, dad, russell, nan & gramp! Sorry for the earlier phone call it was just a blip lol. Kez xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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