Arrived in La Paz ok after a 3 & half hour bus ride from Copacabana. First impressions weren´t great as we approached the city (it reminded us both of the news coverage of Baghdad, enough said). As we got further to the city though things looked up as it beared a remarkable resemblance to Quito (being situated in a valley & surrounded by snow capped mountains). The traffic once again seemed to be polluting the city everywhere you looked & I wouldn´t be exagerating if I said wearing a facemask would be a good idea!
Our bus dropped us in the gringo district & we stumbled upon the best hostel ever (where we are now staying until monday morning). Our room is in a courtyard & has a street front balcony - we even have cable tv....result! After dropping our bags off we hot footed it into the surrounding area in search of somewhere to eat. Whilst walking along the street we suddenly heard someone shout ¨Helen¨! It was only Jeff from our Galapagos tour, again - such a coincidence! So we all went for food in another english pub called ólivers travels´ & caught up on all our news. More drinking pursued until we could no longer keep awake. Hopefully our paths will cross for a third time in Rio.
Today, has been a chore day: laundry, internet, booking flights etc - nothing very exciting. Helen´s still suffering with the altitiude & got to the point today were shes had enough of being ill. Luckily for her we leave for Sao Paulo (Brazil) on monday morning, where from now on its all sea level - so no more altitude sickness (hopefully)!
You would have some lovely new photos to look at if only the internet in Bolivia actually went faster than a snail! This is totally the worst country for uploading pics, so you may have to wait until I reach Brazil before you see Bolivia for yourselves.
Love to all, Kez xxx
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