Arrived in Kuala Lumpur about 4 in the morning. Luckily we'd booked a room that we could walk to. When we'd hada bit of a nap we headed to another hostel a bit closer to the centre and then hit the shops!! Gez got a bit too excited about seeing the Topshop!! Sampled a bit of the local food for dinner, Kev had a curry for about 10 people!
Went on a bit of a tour around Kuala Lumour the next day. Headed to China Town, Twin Towers and lots more shops!! Saw all the major buildings and was quite chuffed when we found a Nandos!! Rounded off our fast food indulge with a Pizza Hut for dinner which we eat on our roof top garden! although it was a bit of a short stop off think we managed to see most of Kuala Lumpurs main bits.
Leaving for Singapore the next day, another great bus ride!! We're both missing Thailand a bit and the beaches. Especially our beach side bungalows!!Â
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