Hi Bozwell,Hi Fefin,Soz both ive had a very busy week but you are allways in my thoughts,Had two application forms to fill in for jobs in the new homes,seeing Steve,Getting nails done and going out partying,Went to dennis the menace 50th party last night saw lots of family i hav,nt seen in a long time,Steve came and spent time with dad,dont forget they have only met once before at granads 75th birthday,They got on really well,Ann told me that dad said what a nice bloke Steve is and they talked a lot,We all like our daddys aproval dont we,Cooking sunday dinner at moment Chris is here,Wish you and Fefin were here to join us,I will cook a special meal for you both when you get back,I have a day off on Wednesday and am going to do invitations for my party,Not long now,Love and miss you both,Hope to speak soon,Take care,Be safe and enjoy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Clare The Veggie
I can't believe your getting a dog!! are you and Nik getting one each or 1 between you? Harvey is a nice name! very gangstar though! like Harvey out of so solid crew! ha ha. Love you.
I'll get another shot of Kevs white bits for you soon! ha ha. I'm glad that Tanya has finally made it down, has Lewis come with her? Give our Kai a kiss from me and tell him i said well done on speaking so early! ha ha. See you soon, Love you.
Meethero: Where have you gone? working to hard i presume. Get on here and send Bozwell and Fefin some love, we miss you!!!
I look forward to it mate. Hope you and Liz are good. Up the blues for tomorrow!!!!!
Clare said thanks, she was so brave that day it was an ace feeling for us both. Wait till you see the dvd so funny.
Miss ya.
Name has changed for a boy. It was between Benson and Harvey but we are going for Harvey now. Thats better isnt it. If its a girl then i dont no yet, let me know if you can think of any?
hope you are ok my lova chumbs
Hi you guy's!
Well it's Wednesday 16.30 and I'm getting ready to go home. Tanya on the train down, arrives in New St at 17.30 only taken her under a week.Ha!!
Kai can't wait for you to come home, he keeps saying Clare & Kev...lol
Although the time you've had travelling has gone really quick it feels likeyears rather than months of not seeing you.
Only you Julian, Karina and our Kita left to have babies now, have you any suprises for your mum & dad when you come home e.g patter of tiny foot steps?? Only kidding Brenda & Mark!!
Keep having fun but mostly keep safe!!!
Love you both!!xxxxxxxxxx
P.S Kev, not seen any photo's of your white bits lately, I only tune in for those...Lol.xxx
Bungy! wow, Clare your are brave, I hate heights so its something I don't think I could do. My husband (yea still ffs, but it should be over in next couple of weeks), did one in New Zealand, but in South Island.
He always said, and he has travelled all over the World, that if he was to live anywhere else it would be New Zealand. Think its cos the food is similar to here.
Nothing else to report, my life is boring compared to yours!
Just take care and enjoy.....
Love Jean x
Your Panda Bear!
Jord your horrible to me, selfish!ha
ok fat cat is ok then, u just never no do you lova!
i hope that shark in Ballina made u realise how careful you have got to be and also i told you u could get eaten, i do not, i repeat do NOT want u and knobber to go in the sea anymore just sit and look at it ok! im serious if you do that grey jumper is mine, and no thinkin about it cuz i no u r on the sly! i will look up that shark thing today! how scary lol
and i am definitely getting a puppy, me and nik are loking for them now, how you like the name Shawly for a boy? only a little dog remember!
Love you loads u chicken eye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Guys,
Sorry been a while, pics are amazing especially Fraser Island, wow!! And i always though St Andrews was the definition of paradise?!?!?!!? (so brainwashed by the old fella!!!)
Cant wait for few beers on your return and seeing as your skint and always drunk after two beers i think i'll make the whole night my treat!!!!
Take it easy xx
Clare The Veggie
Daddy Quark:
We'll do the predictions after this! I'll be thinking of you and Stig all day on Saturday and make sure that you sing extra loud for me!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that we get something, just make sure that you're positive, look what happened last time you were!!! Love you Winckle and looking forward to seeing you.
Howdie, long time no speak! bet your loving it aren't you! ha ha. you will laugh soooo much when you see our dvd, i'm such a fanny!!! the pools were great, they just smelt really really bad! even worse than Amanda! Take care.
My Panda Bear:
I've already thought about the jumper my love and the answer is still the same! NO!!! you can have a picture of me in it though if you like?! The cat was so lovely and friendly and it was so fat that it couldn't have been a stray! I didn't get eaten by a shark lova, but the scary thing is that someone got attaked by a bull shark and died from loss of blood in Ballina where we passed through! How scary mary is that! Check it out on net if you don't believe me! It was lighthouse beach, Ballina, New South Wales, Australia. Love you.
I was so scared Jayne believe me, i couldn't stop crying and it was so embarressing with all these strangers around me. Ha ha! Our Tan hasn't changed has she, bless her! We'll come and see you when we get back, don't worry! ha ha, Love you.
Hi Family,
Yeah we are having a great time, can't believe how big New Zealand is. We haven't been surfing here yet but will hopefully be heading towards Taranaki tommorrow where it picks up some good swells this time of the year. So hopefully should get wet in the sea rather than by the rain. Hope your all ok, looking forward to seeing you all and playin golf with dave. Send my love to nan and lee and family.
Tomo & Nik,
New Zealand is nice, so much variety, bloody huge though and the roads go on forever. With all this driving practice i might pursue a new career as a driving instructor when I get home. Me and Clare are having fun though done so much in a short amount of time.
Looking forward to catchin up yer should be good. Keep workin on the crib!!! really happy for you both. Porbably mine and Clares next step when we get back.
Daddy Quark
Boz, predictions are on your email
Boz just saw your pre-bungee picture, it looks like you are pooing your pants. NZ looks beautiful, and you both look really well and happy. got the vile on saturday, can't wait bt will be gutted if we don't get something.
Lee & Nik
Hi both, Just catching up on your travels, you've done a lot since we looked a few weeks ago!!
Glad that you are enjoyng NZ, seeing the pictures of Rotorua brought the horrible smell back...can taste it!!!
We moved into our house last week, been busy decorating building flat pack furniture! Starting to look good now though!
Off to sunny Wales the weekend....not quite the same as New Zealand, might have a mud bath of different sorts!!
Have fun, look forward to catching up when you get back.