Just to let you all know especially lovin'it that we have arricved safe and sound in New Zealand!
Hope you all ok and we'll speak to you soon when we've got some kiwi stories to tell.
Have a good time in Shagamuff!
Daddy Quark:
We are doing the predictions after this so let us know if you get any more problems.
Love you.
Daddy Quark
Boz / Bev you need to do your predictions again see your Email
P.s Liverpool beat Arsenal 4-2 so its a liverpool Chelsea semifinal in the champe league. this is good for us because we play liverpool in between the semis
Me fight Julian, never!! You know me all mouth no action!!
Tan no bump at the moment, I got more of a bump under my chin than she will ever have around her tummy, lucky cow!! Takes after you!! Bring us a leg of lamb back Julian from New Zealand....sorry forgot your a veggie, Kev you bring me one back...lol.
I'm off to Magaluff 24th April for a few days, need an holiday me with all the stress my girls put me through, may not come back if I get a job over there....lol
Right then me dudes, enough about me! me! me! How the hell are you two, can't wait to see these tans , especially your white bits Kev..lol Let us know when you are in the land of lamb safe.
luv you guy's and stay safe.xxxx
Clare The Veggie And Kev Is A Geek
Always an eventful time when you go to Liverpool! Was you involved in the fight? How was our Tan? has she got a bump yet? I bet our Kai is huge now isn't he? I can't wait to see him and you and our Sim! Make sure you give them both a kiss from us and i suppose give our Scotty one 2! See you soon, Love you.
Daddy Quark:
The bird is ace and it well sounds like Quark!!!! Have you showed Stig?! Tell him to get on here as he hasn't been for a while! Say hi to Kathy and Em from us and all the kittens and cats. We'll do the predictions after this. Love you.
Hiya! We fly in the morning and just so you know i've already got my St Christopher on! I'll let you know when we get there and call you as soon as. Love you.
Will do Vern, hope all is well with family and work.
Hi darlings,Safe journey onwards,I am sure the next five weeks hold lots of experiences for you,enjoy every minute,Take it all in,Love and miss you,Take care,Talk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Daddy Quark
boz/bev the predictions are on your email. Bird saying Quark!!!!! you numbnuts, but still funny.
Blues report is short and not very sweet. We were awful, absolutley p*ss poor, not one player had a good game. Lets just hope its a "bad day at the office
A green/black snake slithering between your legs?? I should get yourself to the doctors my old son!!!!!!!!
SOTV (a week on Sunday hopefully!!)
Hello me darlings, Liverpool a load of rubbish, ex in laws done my head in, ex husband did my head even more than usual and Aintree was a total farse!!!
The part that I worked in was really posh but aswell as us waitresses working there were hostess's- glorified prostitutes really, that were pinching all the tips off the tables, there was a fight in the restaurant on the friday with the waitresses and ten of the waitresses ended up getting sacked, it was great!!! all scousers of course.ha!!!
Hope you gorgeous two enjoyed Australia and really looking forward to seeing you both in 5 wks. Kai is getting so big now Julian. Take care munchkins, luv you lots.xxxxx
Clare The Veggie And Kev Is A Geek
Hiya guys this will be my last message whilst were in Oz! Hope your all well.
We are both fine! Don't worry about us!! Hope all is ok at home and that everyone is well. Say hi to all the Millards for me! Speak to you soon, Love and miss you so much. Can't believe that we've only got 5 weeks and a bit left!! : (
Thanks for the info on the glow worms, i think you did mention it and were defo going to do it. Another couple we met out here mentioned it to us aswell.
Hiya lova, i guess we are quiet brown, but when you see yourself everyday you kinda get use to it and don't think you are anymore, so you saying that has made me feel loads better! ha ha! Kevin is foreign didn't you know?! I'm still watching out for sharks don't worry! Love you.
Tommy S:
I Weed in the lake to and Kevin drank some of the water! ha ha
Hi peeps no probs with you not calling until you get to Newzealand as long as we all know you are ok which we do at moment,Please keep in touch on blog,Love and miss yoy,Take care cherubs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tommy S
howdy partners!
pictures are quality. how fortunate with the dolphins...me and hayley travelled around in a boat for two whole days in new zealand just to see a glimpse!
how amazing is fraser island. oh i forgot to tell you - i pissed in that lake!
look forward to catching up
really happy for you both
hey jord pics are good. and im not 1 for scenery but there are really good and i like the waterfall!
and im jealous feeding a dolphin iv never seen a real one ha ha
and i cant believe how brown you are and kev, the picture in the pink top with surd board, your legs look black! Kev looks foreign when he is pulling that stupid face, he is such a knobber!
be careful and hope your still watching out for those sharks