Can't believe that you nearlly cried! ha ha your so funny. I will try and call you from L.A aswell as keep in touch on the blog. The time is going so quick now. 2 weeks and 4 days left to go, i cna't believe it. Send my love to all the family. Love you.
Boz,Just read your E Mail you said lovely things it nearly made me cry,You know me silly and sentimental,But thanks it means a lot,I am now counting down the days for you coming home,I too am looking forward to a big hug,Love you baby Boz,Keep in touch,Dont worry about phoning,We have the blog,Keep having fun and take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Dad, Mom, Dave and Mameul. Thanks for the message, tell nan I'm missin her and really lookin forward to seeing her. Had a lovely few days in Fiji. Surfed Wilkes Passage today it was around 8-10ft and pretty god damn knarly at times. Crystal clear water and a nice right hander. Your reef boots came in handy on my second surf dad. Me and Clare love it here but won't be able to put photos on until america. I got to see Cloud Break in the distance today, it was heavy s**t! - 20ft infact, kinda brings you back down to earth again. The WCT competition is tomorrow so it might be worth checking out on the net somewhere. I'm off for another surf in the morning the boat leaves at 7.30 am. Tell Dave to stick with it but let him know his real competition will be home soon. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon, hope elvis is still starting ok. Missing ya but loving ya and thinkin about you all everyday. Oh yeah think I saw a white tip shark today too - no s**t!
Hurry Slowly and don't work to hard dad and mom. Dave download some Lee Amos Tunes, he's pretty cool and check the Buffulo, Crocodile and Lion video out on You tube, crazy...
hi guy's by time you receive this you should be in fiji safe journey then go and enjoy and then tell us what you think everything fine at home the goafer thrashing me at golf he's got really good you two can't get any browner it's just not fair take care of each other looking forward to your return home and listening to your travels and experiences ist hand love you guy's dad mom goafer huge mamuel p.s nan asked to be remembered to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Clare The Veggie
The Surf and Dive resort were staying at has got free internet, it's slow, but at least we get to keep in touch this way as i won't be able to call whilst were here, havn't seen a single phone box around! Glad all is ok and i can't wait to see you either, It's beautiful here, Love you. Give Sally a munch for me. xxx
Daddy Quark:
We've already sent the predictions back to you Winckle, check your e-mails!!! Don't worry about the defeat against the scum, just think that you'll be seeing your baby bozwell and Beverly in 3 weeks, that should make you smile and make all your troubles go away! fingers crossed for the rest of the games though and hopefully we'll still be in the prem! Keep me informed of all the scores and where we are in the league please, Say hi to Stig, Smaff, Bum squeek, cats and kittens for us Love you xxx
Glad that Tan finally made it down to see you, tell her were looking forward to seeing here and Lewis at party so she better come now! Give Sim and Kai a kiss from us, have fun in Magaluf, Love you. xxx
To my SO called friends at Broadoaks:
Well what can i say you bunch of b******s! At least i was on a beach in paradise when i heard about the loss which seemed to ease the pain, where were you lot when you sent that message again?!? oh that's right WORK!! ha ha. Enjoy answering the phones to miserable builders wont you guys, I'm off now to work on my tan!!! See you in 3 weeks, Yes, thats right 3 weeks!! ha ha
This will be my last email until Tuesday when I'm back in work, got to make it short and sweet coz I've loads to get through.
Enjoy fiji, love you lots, miss you lots, keep safe and see you both soon!!
Adidos amigo's til Tuesday.!!!
ps, this sum gets harder every time, 5 + 3, now let me think!!!
Daddy Quark
hey up guys, i'm still getting over our peas poor performance against the scum, but looking forward to the Liverpool gameonly 3 weeks to go now so make the most of it
Boz i will send the predictions to your email address
H peeps,Cant believe you will be home in three weeks,Time has gone by so quickly but cant waite to see you,Hope you will be able to talk to me soon especialy as you may not to get on blog whilst in Fiji,Just text me me so you know best time to call as usual,Lots of love,Safe journey onwards,Love as allways Meethero xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HI me darlings!!
That's terrible Julian, everyone wripping into the blues.... Hope the scousers get the same result this
Tanya due to go home today but thinking of staying a bit longer. Told her you congratulated her and ask after her, she said to send her and bumps love. No Lewis at work but Tanya said the two of them will be down for your mums party.
Bet you can't wait to get to Fiji? photo sites of NZ look good, that one in partucular of the moon shining on the sea is lovely, proper little David Bailey's aren't we!!
I'm off to Magaluff Thursday and not back until 29th April so try and get some photo's on here of Fiji before I break up from work this Wednesday night.
Have fun, be safe!!! Love you lots.xxxxx
P.S still awaiting white bits aren't we ladies!!!! lol xxxxx
Your Friends From Broadoaks
Birmingham City have set up a helpline for upset fans following the recent loss to Aston Villa, the phone number is 0800 515151.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hi Guys,
I'm really glad that you got to see the glow worms, it's memory that you'll keep forever.
Reading about your time in NZ I can't wait to get back there myself! Shame about the weather though, sounds a bit similar to the weather we had for the first half of the time we were there, still a great place though!!
Clare The Veggie And Kev Is A Geek
Hello all, just to let you know that this will be our last message whilst in New Zealand because we fly to Fiji on Wednesday! I'm looking forward to sitting in the sun again!!!! We don't know what the internet access is like there either so bare with us! Love you all.
Hello there, long time no type! I'm glad that you have been having fun partying and that Grandad and Steve get on well! your turn next to turn 50!! ha ha are you excited?! Were both looking forward to our meal when we get back, our mouths are watering just thinking about it! Speak to you soon, love you loads and loads.