Whitsunday Trip - Day 2
Friday 12th February
We got awoken at a very early 6.30am so I was pleased I'd taken it easy the night before and gone to bed at a reasonable hour. Quite a lot seemed to have happened during my snoozing time, part of which included Joe having been so drunk he fell asleep in the hot tub on his own and then also fell asleep at the front of the boat. A few of the group said it was a definite challenge to get him to bed...we arrived at stone haven which is supposedly good for squid, and got into our scuba Steve wetsuits for some snorkelling. Joe gave it a pass and lay hungover on the boat while the rest of us went out. There were a few of us that weren't so enthusiastic, Lisa didn't bother putting a wet suit on having already decided she didn't want to go in and Kara also chilled in the boat. I was kind of dangling in and out still concerned about the jelly fish. The fish here were huge, there was one nicknamed 'Big George' and Moxy kept throwing chicken in, when he came up for it his mouth when open was bigger than my fist and you couldn't hear his lips smack together when he closed it. Others were like 2 metres look and quite scary looking in their black shade looking shark-like.
Our next stop was the famous Whitsunday islands national park where the current is so strong it changes rapidly and causes a swirling type effect in the sand. We all walked to the lookout point and had some pictures admiring the stunning view which I thought was quite desert-like and then we were left with a walky-talky and items like a frisbee and ball to entertain ourselves for a couple of hours whilst Polly and Moxy made lunch on the boat. I took my wetsuit down but decided not to go in and instead played some frisbee (which I was shockingly bad at) with a now revived Joe and walked around with Lisa to take some pics. We managed to spot 3 lemon sharks and Joe lost his flip flops after he left them at the side of the water and the current must have came in as they'd disappeared 20 minutes later. We bumped into Susie and Jo off our boat from Fraser Island ad Julia as well.
Back on the boat I signed on (Dez had forgotten to and so had to have a teaspoon of veggie-mite) and then we were able to go back out on kayaks or do snorkelling if we wanted. We chose against it as you could only have a shower with the water running 30 seconds each time you turned it on so Lisa and I washed our hair and sat and watched the sunset from the boat with a couple of others.
That night we drank a lot of goon and were dancing having fun while Moxy fished off the back of the boat. Kara and Kayleigh had the idea of hanging off a hole in the roof of the boat where the ladders go up to the next floor in order to do a somersault. Of course I wanted to join in despite my past experiences of knowing not to do acrobatics when drunk..... It went all fine the first flip I did then I decided to have a second shot at it and not only did I kick a guy in the face but I got my foot caught in the ladder, twisted it and dropped. The pain however didn't seem to kick in due to the alcohol until about an hour later when we were up on the deck chilling star gazing. I started squealing that it hurt and had Lisa and Joe (who seemed more sober this time) trying to help me when Polly came and saw to me and put ice on it when Lisa had got me to the bed. Seems like il never learn not to do acrobatics whilst drunk!
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