Fun Facts about Ecuador #1:
1. Boston thinks it's health-conscious with more healthy food options and the installation of new bike lanes, but does the city shut down a busy, main street EVERY Sunday so that people can bike? Does Boston hold public aerobic classes in the local park- huge stereo system and music included- for hundreds of participants? EVERY Sunday? Quito does!
2. Ecuadorians don't have the same concept of personal space as we do in the US. In the United States we try our darndest to avoid any physical contact in public areas and we wait semi-patiently when leaving a crowded building to minimize proximity. In Ecuador, "espacio personal" is not a phrase often heard. People have no qualms in pushing their way wherever/whenever- not rudely, just as if they have no problem with being so close. Which they don't. *edited 9/8 to add:* During rush hour, the pushing is rude. Very rude.
3. You know how in the US most girls/women seem to be more comfortable sitting with their legs crossed, no matter the situation? Here, no one crosses their legs. At least, not that I've seen.
4. Ecuadorians play Kings, too! "Never have I ever" is known as "nunca he."
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