Kendall walks the Camino de Santiago
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Fisterra, Spain

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Fisterra, Spain

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Fisterra, Spain

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O Pedrouzo, Spain

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Arzúa, Spain
Ryan I agree. Let nothing stand in the way of coffee. Buying your own coffee maker beats standing in front of the coffee shop banging on the door and crying until the police come to run you off. Not that I've had experience in that or anything...
re: CoffeeEsther Congrats!!! Relish your accomplishments seated at a cafe with good food and wine! xoxo
re: !!!Ryan Yay! Do the (seated) happy dance. Very proud of you both. I walked to the mailbox today. Go me! Haha, just kidding. Seriously though, just reading this blog has been inspiring to me. You both worked very hard. Maybe tomorrow I'll walk to the end of the street ;-D Can't wait for you to get home. Love you.
re: !!!Esther As a lover of naps I think the Spanish have got it right! It is so family oriented and is so different to see the kids up and eating dinner 10pm and then the families cruizing the streets even later xoxo
re: Day 4 (or 14)Diane What a cool room! I love all your pictures. Twelve days of walking sounds unimaginable to me. You're amazing, Kendall! And lucky to have Jim jump right in there with you. We can't wait to hear about it in person. Have fun, and stay strong!
re: Long dayCheryl What are you thinking of and what knowledge do you have to share my friend?
re: Day 4 (or 14)Ramona Well Kendall I am finally glad Jim is with you now doing the planning. As you know how I am, planning is important. Sounds like you guys are having a good time & it looks like beautiful scenery. You guys are an inspiration to all who read your blog. Love you guys.
re: Another easy dayRyan Isn't it great to have a planner on a trip?! Clean beds, great food. Leaving things to chance is only fun when it turns out well if you ask me ;-) I'm glad the walking is easier and the rain light. I hope you guys are having a great time. Love you.
re: Another easy day- last visited

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Ryan I agree. Let nothing stand in the way of coffee. Buying your own coffee maker beats standing in front of the coffee shop banging on the door and crying until the police come to run you off. Not that I've had experience in that or anything...