Last night there was only me and a polish guy named Derek in our six man dorm so it was really peaceful. The added bonus was that Derek left at 7am so I then had the place to myself for a few hours before it was time for me to leave. I had a nice long shower without the worry that someone else was waiting for it, I packed my bag again and then went in to town for breakfast.
I had booked on the 12:30pm bus from Sien Reap to Phnom Phem, they collected me from my hostel at 11:45 and took me to the bus station. The bus was a VIP bus, which means it has leg room, complimentary snacks, reclining chairs, plays films and has wifi on board. The journey to Phnom Phem was to take about six and a half hours. Once on the bus I was pleased with my comfortable mode of transport, that pleasure lasted about 30 minutes. Again my naivety about Cambodia meant that I didn't realise that literally the whole of Cambodia had very few if any roads as we know them. The main road to Phnom Phem (which is the capital of Cambodia) is once again a dusty, dirt track with pot hole after pot hole. It was the most uncomfortable journey I have had (worse then two days on a bloody boat). My back was killing the whole journey, thankfully there was no one sitting next to me so I could keep fidgeting and moving positions.
The journey was probably made worse by the things I saw a long the way. The poverty does not end it is everywhere. I don't even think I can explain it, it's so unbelievable that people are living in such conditions. It makes you realise just how lucky you are to live in the western world and I guess makes you put life in to perspective. We eventually arrived in Phnom Phem and I got a tuk tuk to my hostel "me mates villa", if only it was a villa. It's clean but very small, I am in a six bed dorm and you can only just move between the bunks so getting out of bed is quite amusing. I feel so close to my neighbour I could be sharing a bed with her. I arranged for the tuk tuk driver to meet me at 7:30am to take me to the killing fields and S21 prison, so it was not going to be a late night for me. I headed out to find food and somewhere to buy a bus ticket to Koh Chang for Friday. I got totally lost in the dark and wandered around for ages trying to remember which way I had walked and hadn't. I did eventually find somewhere to buy a ticket but gave up on food as was more concerned how I was going to find my hostel. I didn't want to get a tuk tuk as that's added expense even if it's only a few quid. I impressed myself and did find the hostel, think it was more luck then being able to find my way back.
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