Hi Kelly and Mark Have a good journey home keep your heads down in Bangkok See you soon!!!!
hey dudes and dudettes hope its all well tata\
hey peeps hope its hanging well tata!!! xxx
Hi guys,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope you had a merry xmas too!!!! Kelly, I am so impressed by your mum's farting skills! Mark stinks!
Mum & Dad F
Hi Kelly and Mark MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! hope you had a good day. Enjoy the trip to the habour Boxing day. The presents you sent home were great i have been wearing the T Shirt and hat all day. i am getting ready to go to work now speak soon lots of love..
Perfect Pete
Kelly your photos are rubbish, and we have a problem with your Mum. She farts in the restaurant much to the amusment of the punters, I think we will have to promote her if she keeps it up. She even played I will keep a welcombe in the hill side while doing the washing up,all on one fart!! is that cool or what!! Oh and by the way have a happy Xmas Pete
Hi guys,
Still enjoying yourselves, you crazy pups? Crimbo in Oz - lovely jubbly! It's freezing over here and we're plagued by singing drugged up elves, dead trees, dead turkeys and miserable fat men dressed in red as per usual. Festive fabulousness!
hellooo there you two.... havnt heard from you in a while... just thought i would pop on and say hi... im at work at the moment having my dinnys, is absolutly bloody freezin... have my slipper socks on with my boots and still cold... me and wayne are good... getting ready for christmas .. cant wait have already bought a few pressies & we doing christmas this year so will be fun fun... have 2 admit though would love a bit of sun in aussie right now!!! uuughhh you 2... wayne went 4 an interview yesterday(think its in the bag personally)... but is wierd you know i still cant believe sometimes that he is actually quite brainy lol oh and we finished our bathroom now and looks all posh!! ooooo! hope you 2 are ok, safe and well!!! keep in touch kel x
Yeah Mark, you're not a legend AND you smell AND you're proud of it. Bet the heat makes you smell worse; see there are downsides to being somewhere warm and sunny. Bet you're jealous now! Serves you right! + =
What happened in South Africa?
Judy And John
They tried their best, and they're a team to be proud of. What's the matter with you - choking on sour grapes?
Come Onnnnnnn
south africaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{no offence}
John & Judy
Hi smelly kelly, and legendary mark, glad to know you both stiill alive.Doesn't he give professional bulls***? You have permission to give him hell - like you need it!