Hey, so a little behind with the blogs...but trying my best to catch up again! I haven't really stopped so its pretty tough but here is my Na trang blog!!! ...
I arrived in Nha Trang 6am the following day, had a sleep at the hostel which was only a 5 minute walk from where I got dropped off and then joined the 4 girls (Emma, Louise, Natalie & Lauren) for a mud spa day. We sat in some very smelly mud-type baths for half an hour before relaxing in a warm bath and chilling by the pool side. In the afternoon I chilled too, and went to watch a film in the "cinema" which was literally a room the side of my living room, two hard and very small sofas and a big screen! We got to choose a film, so went with Wanderlust which was surprisingly good. I actually stayed awake throughout the film and enjoyed it J I then met up with Lucy and Dave (the couple from the bus) for some dinner!
Saturday 29th, I had a stroll around the town with a guy from my dorm, Dan. We went to find the market but failed so just got lost walking around. Some guys from my dorm were heading off to a waterfall nearby (well, more like an hour drive) so I jumped on the back of a German guys scooter and we headed to the waterfall. He left me in charge of navigating- brave boy! Lol. We didn't quite realise it was as far as an hours scoot away. We started on the main road and then eventually got to a sign that pointed towards the waterfall. It was a long, bumpy and very wet mud track that was really hard to ride down - I was scared we were going to fall off but my driver was impressive and managed to get through without any falls, even if I did have to get off and walk a bit in bare feet because my flip flaps kept getting stuck in the mud. When we arrived we were told the waterfall was 800 metres down the road...not quite 800 metres, it felt more like 800 miles! We walked down this track and after climbing up a fair amount of rocks and through streams we finally arrived at the waterfall. We jumped off from the top once we checked it was deep enough J was lots of fun! Only 3 of us were brave enough, the others watched from the bottom! As we left it so late in the day it was going to get dark and the German guy who took me also had to get back in time for a 6.30pm bus so we headed back. We may have got lost a couple of times but we managed to get back eventually and he managed to catch his bus too!
The next day, Sunday 30 was a visit to Vinpin waterpark with the girls, Lucy & Dave and a Canadian couple I met at breakfast that morning! The waterpark was on a separate island from Na Trang and you can get there by ferry or by cable car. The cable car had fab views and only took 10 minutes. It reminded me of skiing though which was sad! The weather was perfect - we explored the water park first then some roller coasters, aquarium and an arcade. It was a good day out just having a laugh with everyone. I stayed until the "music water festival" which was at 7pm. Very random but it was simply water shooting up in the air in different ways with colourful lights! So we ended up staying for 5 minutes and then headed back home. Slightly disappointing water display! Haha.
Monday was a slightly odd day as I went with Eva to visit the market before spending the day with one of the Vietnamese hostel workers - she invited me to come along and try some ice cream and visit a few things around the town. So I spent the afternoon eating ice cream, seeing Na Trang University, visiting another market and then she took me to her new and old house. She was moving out of her old house the following day as she was living with 2 other people who got rid of her dog so she had enough and decided to move into her own place (which cost a great deal more). It was literally a rectangular room with a sink and a small toilet in the corner. I helped her clean some of her stuff and helped make her bed which was blankets, a thin mattress and more blankets. It basically took up the whole room. I can't believe this is how people live here. There is no where to sit and relax and enjoy your own space. The room was dirty and would never have felt like 'home'. I guess thats why you see most locals just chilling out on the streets or with a group of friends in a coffee shop as that it how they spend their spare time. I also learnt this day that they faf a great deal - she spend so long cleaning one item and then about an hour to make her bed because the blankets weren't quite in the right place. It got a little frustrating as it was getting late and I had to meet the others for NYE dinner at 7pm. She didn't take me back until 8pm, so I quickly got dressed and walked down the road to find the others. Couldn't find the others, but bumped into a couple who were also looking for their friends who had gone for dinner. We couldn't find them anywhere so ended up eating in a random bar which served free chicken curry! It was actually really tasty and you could eat as much as you wanted, but it did have a good kick to it so I could only manage 1 and a half tubs of it before my mouth was burning and I was done! The beer just made the mouth burn and boil even more! J I found everyone back at the hostel so it was all good and spent the night moving from group to group. Its weird travelling by myself as I find I meet lots of different people and they are either travelling as a couple or as a group, so I end up chilling with them at different times of the day I have lots of options as they all say we are off to do this, you can come. I feel so free to do whatever I want it's a great feeling and I have also been the middle girl who brings everyone together and we all go out for dinner and do some activities with 2 groups instead of one. It's lots of fun! I ended up spending most of the night with 2 couples from my dorm. They were great fun, and brought me lots of drinks so all was good! To say I spent my NYE in Na Trang and on the beach was pretty damn cool J
New Years Day was spent sleeping, chilling on the beach and saying bye to everyone who was leaving Na Trang the next day and going separate ways!
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