Oh geesh I'm falling behind again. Skipping through the Goldfileds of Australia called that due to the many gold mines we traveled 100's of miles in the days after Mount Magnet which now seems like a month ago. We overnighted in the mining town Newman where I as the driver was subjected to a behind the wheel breatholizer test at 4:30 pm and again when we were leaving town at 7:30 am, I passed. Southbound we saw nearly nothing scrub and road trains until we reached Kalgoorlie.
Anybody that followed this blog in 2017 remembers my birthday with Amy the Skimpie and the fun that happened that night so this visit could never measure up to that night, but we tried. It was a Sunday night when we rolled into town and it was quiet. Grabbing a taxi we set out for adventure. The Exchange Hotel is where it started last time and so it was where we started 2020 campaign. There they were the Skimpies however everybody seemed to not notice, everybody was watching one of the most boring sports ever invented Cricket. There was no engaging anybody in conversation. Why even come here if your not 1 chatting up the Skimpies 2 chatting with other folks or 3 chatting up the Skimpies. In other words you came here to watch the most boring sport in the world and buy over priced beer. I did learn one thing, the Skimpies have no ideal where the best place in town to eat is.
Well with that painful evening over we set sail for the Nullabor Plaines. Our first night on the Nullabor had us stopped at Fraiser Ranges campground. Here we stopped in 2017 and there were plenty of kangaroo's, however this year it's so dry no grass equals no kangaroo. A nice sleep though we set off in the morning for Eucla about 2/3's of the way across the Nullabor Plaines. Here we set up camp and were inside settling down when the RV started rocking, hmmm. The wind had come up suddenly so I opened the door to have it ripped from my hand and broke from the Side of the RV. Again if you followed our adventures in 2017 Coby Pety saw us loose our Awning in the same fashion,deja vu?
Day three Nullabor had us roll into Kimba and the best Indian food in Australia. The place looks crummy but the curry is great. We are speeding along this journey as we have a mission. To be in Port Wakefield for Australia Day. And we made it. Port Wakefield is a very old port town that served as a shipping depot for wool in the day. But today it's a quiet fishing tourist town. We met a couple who ran the local campground last year and we promised we would return. They took us crabbing again and this time we brought along some Old Bay Seasoning,an American recipe for cooking crabs and an appetite. We only scored 12 crabs while crabbing but we introduced Old Bay to Australia as they liked it.
Most towns in Australia have a town breakfast for Australia Day and this we didn't miss. The town citizen of the year is named and folks seem patriotic. However they don't stand for their anthem but keep eating the breakfast. We were told they thought Americans were over zealous with out American anthem and flag waving? Whatever Joy and I stood for their anthem and then sat for their breakfast.
That same day we set our course for some horse racing in Murray Bridge. A brand new grandstand had been built and a super green turf course to race on. Joy hit a winner first time out for $122 bucks but that was it. Rolling into our camp for the night we took in one more Australia Day themed thing a dinner featuring Yites a Greek gyro type meal. Followed up by some more boring Cricket which we excused ourselves for as Kangroo Island was tomorrow and we needed so sleep.
- comments
North coasters Tales by Keith again. Yea. Sorry your “skimpy” night spoiled by a rousing cricket match. And it sounds like no “Amy”. On your face book pictures those crabs in “old bay” looked really nice. Even if there were only 12. Only Joy’s long shot on “race day” was a win. Oh well you supported “down under racing”. Get your fingers limbered up because we can’t wait until you take us along to “kangaroo island “ and a first hand report on what is left after the bush fire’s devastation. Again face book has given us a hint but the power of the pen is mighty.
Michelle Sharp Love this!! Great writing..