First I would like to say that I never proof read my work. If I did I would be here all day. So here is a blog from Myanmar unedited.Pictures to follow once we make better internet. Thanks Keith
Surprise,Myanmar is on the grid but just barely. Yangoon was a busy place. We did not stay long there but it
left an impression of what Bangkok was to us ten years ago. Busy traffic with no mopeds but lots of over full buses.
We slept the night in a western style hotel nothing to report there except the busy night club next door open untill 12:30am
Beep went the alarm at 3:45am we were off to the airport for our first stop in Myanmar, Bagan. We landed under the shroud of fog
and the chill of winter in the air or at least as cold as Mynamar gets about 50-60 degrees in these parts. We met our guide Myint and our
driver and off to the market we went. Now I don't know about you but if I were at the local ACME and there were dozens of Burmese
gawlking and taking photos of me while I was buying food I would probaly not go there so I don't know what these people must think of us
as we snap photos of them buying household goods.
Anyway, we got a few great shots and I checked out the local trucking fleet. The DOT would have a field day around here.Headlights
must not be mandatory. However the fleet did look safer then the fleet we encountered in Madagascar a couple of years ago. The main drag in town
was awash in putt putting tractors, smokey trucks,horse carts and post card selling children. We jumped back into our air conditioned car and headed
to our first of many temples. Now I have to be truthful.WHen we entered the first I was like "great another Buddist Temple" I
have seen these before and I probaly am going to become bored before long. ANd as in India the same can be said here. DOn't go to India
and see the Taj Mahal first thing save it for last. Well the same goes here. After walking around and hearing the stories of Budda I was already
yawning.Then we were off to see the valley of Pagottas (Spelling). Now I have done alittle homework on Mynamar before we landed
and I knew we were going to see this place but pictures or someone telling you how beautiful the valley floor in with over 2500
Pagottas and temples in view in all directions. Everywhere we looked we saw them and everyone has at least one statue of Budda in it.
We looked in small ones and huge ones everywhere a Budda. One of the hardest parts is trying to take in the sites with out getting
in the way of the Buddist Worshiping him. Not not everybody thought this way and would just walk in front of these people and take
pictures or talk loudly. These weren't even ignorant Americans, they were just people who had huge cameras around their necks and had to get the
shot of a lifetime before it disappeared. Hey dummies thes Pagoddas have been here 800 years they aren't going anyplace.
I'm having trouble here, I usally can find funny things but not here. We were moved a little by the surroundings and the
faith that surrounded us. SO to have this dopes just being plain rude to the WOrshippers and the people trying to make a living selling
little trinkets as we entered just irked me.NExt, Who wears heals to Myanmar? Every place we enter w you must remove your shoes,
and it's funny after a while we could tell who was in the Temples or Pagodas in front of us by what shoes were there.
The Italians seemed the least ready for multiple shoe removal in a close second was the Chinese/Japense who seemed sometimes ready
for a fashion show.Then there were the DUtch who seemed ready for them with the easiest shoes and the biggest cameras.The one thing
we all had in common was that we all reacted the same to that turn around the corner that would reveal a beautiful view.Our Guide always seemed to know what
direction to turn as to not show off the best side first.Well after a day long of Pogada watching we headed back to our hotel.
A cop out as it is your run of the mill Tourist hotels, well thats okay with me! Hot water,NOT! What do you mean? Why is there no
hot water? Oh thats right we are in Myanmar,we call front desk a guy shows up at our romm with a wrench and a hammer, we hear a
couple of bangs under our feet and presto hot water.Back home that would have been a $150 dollar plummer call. After a Nap we headed back to the Pogadas
for sunset at the Pogadas, hear we go again, I sat down and with minutes to spare Mr. Fancy camera shows up and stands in front of
me! I yelled yo and he got the ideal guess that works in any laugage.Oh almost forgot about our massages, Joy got a shoulder massage and I a foot
massage. How relaxing,I was sat in a chair that was about to break so I was kind of in a balancing act as they would move my feet around.
It was kind of like getting a massage while sitting on a bowling pin. Lucky for me I was facing my WIfe so I could see her Masseuse/maid checking the clock on the
wall every couple of minutes.So much for a relaxing afternoon.
Well earlier I stated I would try food everywhere so today that was the case. And well to say the least it was a experience.
I tryed everything on the table.The black stuff well it tasted black and the yellow stuff tasted yellow.I think I will stay with the shrimp
and chicken BBQ. Well time here is short as we are heading back out I will try and post pictures but the internet is slow and expensive.Hope all is well
and we will be back in touch soon. Till then Keith and JOy
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